XML for Java Parser v2.0 |
IBM's XML for Java parser (XML4J) is a high performance, modular XML parser written in
100% Java. XML4J makes it easy to give an application the ability to read and write XML data. A single JAR file provides classes for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents. XML4J
is the most robust XML processor currently available and is most faithful to the XML 1.0 Recommendation and associated standards (DOM 1.0, SAX 1.0, Namespaces). The version 2.0 parser provides high
performance, modularity, and scalability. |
Applications of the XML4J Parser |
The rich generating and validating capabilities allow the XML4J Parser to be used for:
- Building XML-savvy Web servers
- The next generation of vertical applications which will use XML as their data format.
- On-the-fly validation for creating XML editors
- Ensuring the integrity of e-business data expressed in XML
- Building truly internationalized XML applications.
Features |
XML4J Platforms |
- Conforms to XML Spec 1.0
- Tracking of latest DOM (Level 1.0 currently), SAX and namespace specs
- Supports many international language encodings
- Source code, samples, and documentation provided
- Programmatic generation, validation of XML
- Pluggable catalogs, validators, encodings
- High performance
- Customizable error handling, element recognition, and DOM creation
Tested on:
- Win32:
- Sun JDK 1.1.6
- Sun JDK 1.1.7
- Sun JDK 1.2
- MS JView
- Other:
International Encodings |
Encodings supported:
- UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, UCS-4
- ISO Latin-1 through 9
- shift-JIS
- Big5
- EBCDIC (18 encodings)
- gb2312
- iso2022-jp
- koi8-r
- and more....
Portability Features |
- Written in 100% Java
- Runs in application and applet environments
Availability |
The latest version of XML4J is always available from Alphaworks.http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com
Installation |
You need to run the following command to extract the files tar xvf xml4j_2_0_15.tar
These commands create a xml4j_2_0_15 sub-directory in the current directory containing all the files.
xml4j.jar |
Jar file containing all the parser class files |
xml4jSamples.jar |
Jar file containing all sample class files |
Readme.html |
This file |
evaluation-license.html |
Evaluation license for XML4J Version 2 |
w3c_copyright_software.html |
W3C Copyright Notice for DOM |
apidocs/ |
Directory containing Javadoc API for parser framework |
docs/ |
Directory containing other documentation |
data/ |
Directory containing sample XML data files |
build/ |
Directory containing scripts to compile sources and generate API documentation useing Javadoc |
src/ |
Source files |
samples/ |
Directory containing sample programs |
TXapiDocs/ |
Directory containing JavaDoc API documentation for TX Compatibility classes |