IBM Application Services Pack for Distributed Systems 1.0
                       Fix Pack 1 for AIX

			    April 1, 2005


Section 1. General Description
Section 2. Supported Platforms
Section 3. Prerequisites
Section 4. Installation Steps
Section 5. Removal Steps
Section 6. Defects Fixed
Section 7. Known Defects and Workarounds
Section 8. File List

Section 1. General Description

This is the first cumulative fix pack for 
IBM Application Services Pack for Distributed Systems 1.0. 
It includes and supersedes all previous 1.0 fix packs.

See Section 6 for the list of defects fixed by this fix pack.

See Section 7 for the known defects and workarounds.

Section 2. Supported Platforms

AIX 4.2 
AIX 4.3 
AIX 5.1 

Section 2. Prerequisites

One of the below release levels or corresponding maintenance version 
should be installed:

  IBM Application Services Pack for Distributed Systems 1.0 - RQV100G2

  CandleNet eBP 3.1 - RBV310G3

Section 4. Installation Steps

Use the instructions below:

1. Shutdown applications and services using IBM Application Services Pack.
2. Make backup copies of the files listed in the "File List" section.

3. Copy 1.0.0-TIV-ASPK-AIX-FP0001.tar.Z to the $CANDLE_ROMA_HOME directory.
4. In order to clean up system shared library cache, run /usr/sbin/slibclean
   command. Without this step, IBM Application Services Pack may not 
   work properly after fix pack update. Because "slibclean" requires root 
   priveledges you may need to ask your system administrator to do this step.

5. Type the command "uncompress 1.0.0-TIV-ASPK-AIX-FP0001.tar.Z".

6. Type the command "tar pxvf 1.0.0-TIV-ASPK-AIX-FP0001.tar"

Section 5. Removal Steps

Use the instructions below:

1. Shutdown applications and services using IBM Application Services Pack.

2. In order to clean up system shared library cache, run /usr/sbin/slibclean
   command. Without this step, IBM Application Services Pack may not 
   work properly after fix pack removal. Because "slibclean" requires root 
   priveledges you may need to ask your system administrator to do this step.
3. Restore files from the backup created during fix pack installation.

Section 6. Defects Fixed

New defects fixed in this fix pack (APARs):


  Running the File Transfer Connector with Message-To-File dispatcher from 
  "kucstart" causes abnormal end of program.

  KUC process causes high CPU load with multiple 
  warnings in the log : "Unexpected wait issued for thread."

Fixes included from the previous interim fixes (SRs):

1-42497731 Corrupted LDIF leads to Roma crash

1-38345547 Loop when large number of objects in cache

1-39481741 XML parsing is thread-unsafe on AIX. May cause 
           crash or some error.
1-42313955 XC API returns invalid number of directory item 
1-42314137 Race condition in route cache handling
1-42313941 Memory leaks in the Java Message-Exchange API
1-42635451 The Java EMS API fails to handle Roma 3.0 messages
1-42736381 Roma 3.0 message handling in the EMS Server sample
1-41940241 App Mgr have stopped without warning

1-40519611 Memory overrun in eBP Monitor
1-18385217 (KRO) casp1.0 message conversion error
1-12297101 (KRO) Conversion tab tree hangs (memory ) for 
           DTD with >= 75 000 nodes.

1-5NAIS    ROM hang when modifying Tib Bridge subject to asterisk..
1-5RU6E    Autogenerate BE doesn't ensure a queue name set

1-5Q1WH    Data validation fails when BE Profile Queue name is empty

1-11964904 AutoGeneration of Context record should populate common root

1-12552004 Renaming Namespace to same name results in its deletion 

1-11993902 BSP Applications could fail if Audit Log is enabled and the
             application receives a message that includes tag buffer data.

1-14555537 Customer not seeing InFlight data for Native Connector

1-40195771 Java applications fail with the KXCRC_GET_ATTRIBUTE_FAILURE error

1-37509231 Java EMS API enhancement

1-35097801 Incorrect padding of Base64 data in LDIF.

1-33647486 LDIF specified in KXCDIR without a context does not
           inherit a context from a preceding LDAP URL.

1-19591701 Updated cpp sample client to clarify need to close
           themes to prevent resource leaks. Fixed cpp server
           sample crash on large messages.

1-29574928 Correlation ID lost when message sent to EMS

1-34641704 Message format name lost when message sent to EMS

1-33408401 Possible abend due to overlapped memory copying

1-33670805 S0C9 in kxcHashTable constructor in LDIF is empty

1-29574928 Loss of the Correlation ID of an exception message

1-18978954 Java application fails when accessing a very large
           dictionary entry from the directory

1-18439937 C API samples server11 and server12 need correction to
           allow message sent to the EMS be replayed by an EMS server

1-18173101 Server with compression ILS crashes on message with no 
           compression. Scenario Client has no or "get only" 
           compression (krucmpgt), Server has "get & put" 
           compression (krucmp). So the incoming message to the
           server has no compression trailer and the (krucmp) ILS
           should not be called. However it is and it assumes a valid
           trailer so a crash occurs

1-17314501 Cannot obtain the MsgID/CorrelID data via C++ API
           The Roma C++ API method 
            const char * RomaMsgId::operator *() const
           did not return valid data that repsented the transport
           message or correlation identifers, and could not be
           be used in RomaMsgId::set(const void* data, int len)
           or KXC C API calls to recreate the identifier

1-16711501 Unable to utilise both eBP Compression and eBP MQSecure In
           Line Services, ILSs.
           Problems could be encountered when Clients and Elements
           contained ILSs at the same call phase but driven by config
           and ILS trailer at the receiver.
           In addressing this problem additional validation is added.
           If the following is encountered
           Error    = Warning(KXCRC_MESSAGE_SUPPRESSED) OpType(KXC) 
           SubError = Error(KXCRC_CONFIG_ERROR) OpType(KXC) Reason() 
           Data(Sender and Receiver ILS order mismatch) 
           Please review the order of ILS entries in the Roma directory.
           Note for ILSs with persistent trailers the configured ILS 
           order in the receiver determines the call order

1-5PLGT    See 1-17704401

1-17704401 Message conversion for message flowed across different codepage
           source to target may result in currupt message being delivered.
           When a application sends a message with a message format that
           is defined as text in the directory and the message gets
           converted via the XML conversin ILS to a message format that is
           defined as binary in the directory the message should not be
           codepage convered even if the source and target client/element
           have different configured codepages in the directory

1-17661238 Minor Memory and handle resource leak when application repeatedly
           calls kxc..Initialize - kxcTerminate from a process

1-17541467 Memory and handle resource leak when application repeatedly creates
           threads that call kxc..Initialize() - kxc... - kxcTerminate() and
           then the thread terminates while the process continues

1-15549349 Enhanced MSMQ Transport support to enable off-line operation
           and remove the need for access to MSMQ Information Server on
           a Primary Enterprise Controller.
           Please refer to the configuration and usage notes provided in
           This enhancement was delivered in Roma BSP v3.0 via 1-4GSYT

1-16174505 Enable the kxcWriteLog timestamps to be written in Local Time
           rather than UTC if KXCLOGLOCALTZ Environment Variable set to 1.

1-15535102 Don't produce Roma FFDC files for error LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT 
           produced from user searches thru Roma XC LDAP-access APIs.

1-61JHE    Improved error "KXCRC_NO_AVAILABLE_ELEMENT" provided for case
           were all business elements in a business component are marked
           not in service.

           APP_ROLLBK_OS_XACT "AppDef" Options constant to enable
           programmers to set eBP to perform rollback action on any
           outstanding syncpointed message transactions when a C API
           kxcTerminate() or Object API client / element disconnect /
           destructor is called without having explicitly committed or
           rolled back syncpointed operations.
           The default action is to perform a commit.
           Note the default in the ActiveX binding is now changed to
           rollback since on abnormal termination in Visual Basic etc.
           were object destruction will be performed internally rollback
           rather than commit will occur.

1-13066490 kxcclean Clean "../TMP.." and any old "..%TMP.." temporary
           queues remaining from operation with/from Roma BSP V3.0

1-16333201 kxcclean Read MQSeries V5.2 settings from Windows registry not

1-15092501 kxcclean Fix crash if first eBP client found has MQSeries
           default queue manager

1-14866126 Invalid data in KXCMSG SubjectName can lead to Out of Memory
           error running eBP JAVA within Visual Age for JAVA IDE

1-14555537 Not seeing any information in in-flight data report for
           client send from Native Connector

1-13645910 Invalid Trailer error reported in mixed eBP3.1 and BSP2.1
           environment with ILSs that add trailers

1-5YYCN    Performance improvement, only look up transformation
           service if conversion ILS can't handle translation

1-14797201 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION from kxcBufferRelease when
           doing repeated Initialise; Put; Terminate cycles on a thread

1-11976801 Sample programs may not run on HP-UX with load error "kxcmqs5"
           if MQSeries libs not explicitly added to LIBPATH

1-14178007 Sample Transformation ILS for EBCDIC/ASCII conversion not being 
           correctly called under certain conditions

1-11979803 XCMSGEXP_USEDEFAULT for MSMQ Expiry not processed correctly

1-12972101 eBP ActiveX API objects return null value if data buffer is
           empty should return variant array having 0 elements

1-12475215 eBP ActiveX API could lead to crash in VBScript ASP

1-12708801 eBP ActiveX API issues

1-13325101 eBP Active API enhancement to provide the ability to get
           message data and tag data as a string. See below for detail.

1-33722881 LDIF does not support base64 encoded entries on read.

1-33151807 Crash in kbb.dll in VB program that uses the MH API.

1-21960569 Directory Administrator crash in saving XmlDocument definition

1-21015925 String concatenation does not work properly in map if it preceedes 
           the if() function and other functions.

1-18676102 Sub-map returns "Unnamed" element.

1-19198601 Unable to convert XML/RAW after LDAP reconnect.

1-21054204 The kxmSetArrayValue() function ignores the ValueLength field 
           for string values.

1-15767701 The sample user-defined function substring() returns
           wrong result.

1-15749403 eBP3.1/CASP Enhancement to support Aix5L and Visual Age 
           v5 compiler.
           Use the following make files to build C++ samples by the 
           Visual Age compiler:

1-12601001 Conversion ILS and API cannot find conversion map.

1-12007601 krrfcbl does not recognize -r command line option

1-12131705 When serveral "FILLER REDEINFE" clauses appears on the same level, 
           krrfcbl exports them as duplicated groups names.

1-12371304 Conversion ILS cache does not pick up LDAP updates.

1-12665901 Validation errors cause krrcheck to crash.

1-5C7OD    XML-auto-recognize may fail when message
           does not contain XML encoding declaration.

1-11831705 Conversion ILS and Message Handling API pull up user maps.

1-10465601 Changed default context selection when -h/-p/-ldif 
	   options are specified in krr utils (krrimp, krrexp, krrdel,
 	   krrcheck, krrdtdim, krrdtdgn) - to simplify usage on LDAP 
	   repositories with non-Candle (other than roots.
	   Details: when -h/-p or -ldif option(s) are specified for a given
	   krr utility, but -ctx is omitted, it still tries to access KXCDIR 
	   settings and retrieve context DN info (first encountered) from it.
           If no KXCDIR or context DN info are found, then default context DN
           cn=RomaContext,dc=Context,dc=Roma,dc=candle,dc=com is assumed.

1-11891101 krrdtdim utility does not support -name option available in 
	   MVS release

1-61MQ1    Internal error reported if operands of && or || are not boolean.

1-5WSKL    Comments within maps cause exceptions.

1-61SL5    Identical names of structures in sample user-defined libraries 
           cause wrong dynamic linker resolution on unixes.

1-11890901 Part of conversion action shown in map error message is too short.

1-11890903 Performance of the first message passing through the kxmilsr or 
           kxmilsc is slow.

1-35422130 LDAP server reports malloc() fail

1-35067001 Crash during LDAP search.

1-35067012 Multithreading problems in the LDAP Client API.

1-35031401 Incorrect padding of Base64 data in LDIF.

1-33408401 Possible abend due to overlapped memory copying

1-33693501 Attempt to seed object with multple objectclass attributes
           leads to LDAP server crash

1-33722881 LDIF does not support base64 encoded entries on read.

1-29678121 Check for presence of NEXTID file after
           initial load. Enforce NEXTID requirement.

1-22029136 Deletion of substring indexes can cause
           incorrect ID to be removed.

1-21805017 Setting system time backwards causes master and replica
           servers to consume 100% CPU

1-20681001 Remove memory leak from C++ API

1-19198601 Return underlying error code on search 
           failures in C++ API

1-18184803 Problem with AIX BER packet encode/decode

1-16741811 Handle v.large (approaching LONG_MAX) cache timeout

1-17631601 Correct LDAP/LDIF precedence handling in kxscpp 
           for KXCDIR

1-47R1H &
1-17790635 Correct service behaviour when stopping under Win2K
           Service Control Manager (SCM)

Section 7. Known Defects and Workarounds

APAR IY70041

    File Transfer connector for File-To-File dispatcher
    exits with an error like below: 
    "The PlugIn for the Connector Framework Dispatcher 
    FileToFile0 cannot be created"
    No workaround available.

Section 8. File List

 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
      0  03-30-05  14:47   README/
  12695  01-29-04  12:33   README/EMS_API.txt
      0  04-09-04  07:19   ldap/
      0  04-09-04  07:19   ldap/bin/
 211863  10-28-02  15:44   ldap/bin/krrcheck
 360568  10-28-02  15:44   ldap/bin/krrdel
 423546  10-28-02  15:44   ldap/bin/krrexp
 614203  10-28-02  15:44   ldap/bin/krrimp
  39709  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/kxsldcnv
 472532  03-05-04  10:49   ldap/bin/kxsserv
 120488  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapadd
 116712  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapback
  94487  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapdelete
 120488  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapmodify
  96114  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapmrdn
 126555  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapsearch
  92491  09-09-03  07:51   ldap/bin/ldapstop
      0  03-30-05  19:31   ldap/cfg/
   4799  03-30-05  19:31   ldap/cfg/kfx.ldf
    542  03-30-05  19:31   ldap/cfg/kfxmsgd.ldf
  11346  10-21-01  07:20   ldap/cfg/krr.dtd
   4838  03-05-03  07:45   ldap/cfg/kxsserv.ori
      0  03-28-05  08:04   mgmt/
      0  02-23-04  05:02   mgmt/bin/
 608598  02-20-04  01:56   mgmt/bin/kbxadir
1468923  02-20-04  02:02   mgmt/bin/kbxapipe
 505838  02-20-04  02:03   mgmt/bin/kbxualu
      0  02-23-04  05:01   mgmt/lib/
 270344  02-20-04  02:02   mgmt/lib/kbxspipe
  95778  02-20-04  02:04   mgmt/lib/kbxuilsf
  94642  02-20-04  02:04   mgmt/lib/kbxuilsr
      0  03-12-04  03:47   toolkit/
      0  10-20-03  03:17   toolkit/apisource/
      0  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/
      0  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/
      0  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/
      0  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/
      0  03-12-04  03:47   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   2363  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   2380  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  39106  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  11167  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7114  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7011  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  18118  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  17353  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4117  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   3046  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  21073  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  18243  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7449  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4085  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  20487  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  17536  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   9619  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  10499  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   6971  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   2565  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   2969  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   9755  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4023  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4250  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  20581  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   8785  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  10572  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4562  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   2635  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4754  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  22920  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4075  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   6817  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   6558  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7777  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7813  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   5496  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   9991  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
  18680  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   5479  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   3063  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4864  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4457  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4008  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   7572  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   5149  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   4246  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
   6653  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/
      0  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
  23936  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2666  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3962  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   4730  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
  17042  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2597  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2394  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2719  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2681  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3207  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2433  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2650  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2496  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   5215  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3528  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2803  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2641  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
  29459  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3948  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2213  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2829  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3225  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   2386  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
   3526  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/com/candle/roma/kxc/raw/
  71480  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjbnxa.cpp
  13375  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjbnxa.hpp
  17707  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjems.cpp
   4357  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjems.hpp
  23183  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjnia.cpp
   5164  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjnia.hpp
  36074  10-21-03  06:50   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjobj.cpp
   9671  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjobj.hpp
   3516  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/kxcjsrca.mak
   2647  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/makefile
   3488  10-20-03  03:16   toolkit/apisource/java/readme.txt
      0  03-30-05  19:31   toolkit/bin/
  32763  08-16-02  07:36   toolkit/bin/c_client
  26339  04-20-02  00:33   toolkit/bin/c_server
  86155  09-08-03  11:17   toolkit/bin/cppclnt
  87430  09-08-03  11:17   toolkit/bin/cppsrvr
 299860  03-30-05  19:31   toolkit/bin/kfxxfer
 510441  10-28-02  15:43   toolkit/bin/krrdtdgn
 343621  10-28-02  15:43   toolkit/bin/krrdtdim
1623961  10-28-02  15:43   toolkit/bin/krrfcbl
  23649  03-27-05  14:36   toolkit/bin/kuc
  42157  03-30-05  19:26   toolkit/bin/kucctrl
  27083  03-30-05  19:26   toolkit/bin/kucstart
  36262  03-30-05  19:26   toolkit/bin/kucstats
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