CSAM Patch 2130.02 - Startup Abends and Shutdown Hangs in CICS/TS v1.3 

Application Server : n/a 
CICS Version: 1.3 
Components : CICS Data Collector 
Required CSAM Version: 2.1.3 
APAR: n/a 
PTF: n/a 
Date: 8/02/2004 
DC Platform: z/OS 
DC Version: 2.1.3 
MS Platform: n/a 
MS Version: n/a 
Prerequisite Patches: n/a 
Supercedes: n/a 
DC Changes: y 
MS Changes: n 

Problem Description: 
CICS Startup processing can abend if warmstarting and CSAM PLT activity 'races'
 ahead of Temp Storage initialization. This patch eliminates this problem by 
moving CSAM's usage of Temp Storage queues to phase 2 PLT processing instead of 
phase 1. 

CICS shutdown can hang with CICS transaction CESD is replaced with a user-customized 
version of the CICS helper transaction using a different transid. This patch 
eliminates this problem by checking the CICS Shutdown helper transaction id via CICS 
API services. 

To apply the patch: 

The flat file 'csam213.cics13..acynauth' contains 3 modules:
Make a backup copy of your existing modules and insert the modules in this fix into 
your CYN.CICS.SCYNAUTH dataset.

To reconstitute the flat file into a PDS:

Log onto the MVS system
Allocate a PS 80/3120/FB file with the name 'csam213.cics13.acynauth’
On your PC change to the directory with the flatfile ‘csam213.cics13.acynauth’
Open an FTP connection to MVS and go to the place you want the PDS to reside on 
eventually. Issue the following commands

cd 'csam213.cics13.acynauth’ 
put ' csam213.cics13.acynauth’ 
Log on to TSO on the MVS system
receive indata('csam213.cics13.acynauth’) 
when prompted respond: 
Members CYNCINI1, CYNCINI2, CYNCTR13 can be found in the target PDS library.
Copy the modules into your CYN.CICS.SCYNAUTH dataset and restart your CICS region.