Readme file for:
Interim Fix 2 for IBM Tivoli Remote Control, Version 5.1.0
IBM Corp.
23 May 2008


1.0 Copyright statement
2.0 About this release
    2.1 New Drawing and Highlighting functionality 
    2.2 New User Acceptance policies
    2.3 Error message 'Mode is not supported' 
    2.4 Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen
3.0 Product fix history
    3.1 defects fixed
    3.2 APARs fixed
4.0 Installation information
    4.1 Manual Install
    4.2 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  Windows, Derby Database and eWAS Installation 
    4.3 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  LINUX, Derby Database and eWAS
    4.4 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  Websphere Application Server (WAS), AIX, Linux, 
        Solaris and Windows
    4.5 Target requirements
    4.6 Admin id for manual AIX install
    4.7 Target Installation
    4.8 New Installation 	
5.0 Uninstallation information
6.0 Contacting IBM Support
7.0 Notices and trademarks


1.0 Copyright statement

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008.

All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM(R) Corp.


2.0 About this release

    This release includes the following :-

      * New Drawing and Highlighting functionality - see 2.1

      * New User Acceptance Policies - see 2.2 

      * Error message 'Mode is not supported' - see 2.3
      * Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen - see 2.4

    2.1 New Drawing and Highlighting functionality
      The drawing and highlighting features in the Target window have
      been modified to resolve an issue with delayed drawing
      instructions on Vista Targets  with Aero graphics enabled. This
      was due to the guidance instructions being drawn within the
      display context rather than the window context, which is not
      compatible with desktop composition and therefore a delay was
      experienced before each instruction was drawn. To resolve the
      issue, the guidance code was rewritten to use a transparent top-
      level window, on which the guidance instructions are drawn.The
      effect of this change is that the behaviour of the guidance
      instructions can be somewhat different to what they were in
      previous versions.

      Previously, the guidance instructions were drawn directly on the
      screen, overwriting the actual content of the window below the
      drawing. This had two effects. First, when the window was moved,
      the guidance instruction moved with the window in most cases. When
      the window was closed or minimized, the guidance instruction
      disappeared. Secondly, if the window was asked to repaint itself
      or the application updated the contents of the window, the
      guidance instruction also disappeared. In cases where part of the
      guidance instructions were outside of the window borders, only the
      part of the instruction within the window borders was affected by

      With the new technique, the guidance instructions are drawn with a
      semi-transparent effect on top of all other windows. Handling
      normal windows on the desktop no longer affects the guidance
      instructions, that is, closing or minimising these windows will
      not cause the drawing instructions to disappear. The situation is
      different for topmost windows such as Task Manager,the task bar,
      start menu etc. Other applications can also use topmost windows or
      provide a 'Stay on top' setting. When such a window is activated,
      it will appear on top of the guidance instructions until another
      guidance instruction is drawn.

      This new technique requires a colour depth of 16-bit or higher. In
      graphics modes with a colour depth of 8-bit, the old technique is
      still used. The guidance icons and the drawing tool remain opaque
      and the highlight tool uses an inversion effect.


    2.2 New User Acceptance policies

      The Disable User Acceptance policy, has been removed and 4 new user acceptance
      policies have been introduced to allow more flexibility in the configuration
      of user acceptance by giving an administrator the ability to enable or disable 
      user acceptance for different actions.
      It should be noted that these policies work in conjunction with Acceptance
      Grace Time and Acceptance timeout action. 
      When any of the new policies are set to Yes,the Acceptance Grace time should
      be set to a number >0 to allow the Target user time to accept the request.
        Enable user acceptance for incoming connections
        This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance for establishing
        a session.
	Set to No 
	The session is automatically established and the Acceptance Dialog is not
	displayed on the Target. 
	Set to Yes
	The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has
	the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace time to Accept or Refuse
	the session. 
	The Target User also has the option of selecting a different session mode
	on the Acceptance Dialog.
	The session will be established 
	The session will not be established and a message will be displayed 
	Enable user acceptance for mode changes
	This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when the Controller
	selects to change the session mode from the Controller window.
	Set to No 
	The session mode is automatically changed and the Acceptance Dialog is not
	displayed on the Target. 
	Set to Yes
	The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has
	the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace time to Accept or Refuse
	the session mode change. 
	The session mode will be changed.
	The session mode will not be changed and a message will be displayed on the Controller.
	Enable user acceptance for file transfers
	This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when a file
	is pulled from the Target, by the Controller or sent from the Target
	to the Controller, during an active session.
	Set to No 
	The Choose File to send window is automatically displayed and the 
	Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. 
	Set to Yes
	The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has
	the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace time to Accept or Refuse
	the file transfer action. 
	The Choose file to send window appears. It is the Target user who must 
	then select the required file. The Controller input is blocked until the 
	Target user either selects a file or clicks Cancel.
	A message is displayed saying that the Target refused to send the file. 
	Enable user acceptance for system information
	This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when the 
	System Information icon is clicked on the Controller window
	Set to No 
	The Target system information is automatically displayed and the 
	Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. 
	Set to Yes
	The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has
	the number of seconds defined for acceptance grace time to Accept or Refuse
	the system Information request. 
	The Target system information is displayed.
	A message is displayed on the Controller window saying that the request to get system information

        It should be noted: 

        For compatibility between new servers and old Targets and old servers
        and new Targets the following applies,
        For a new server and an old Target, if any of the new policies are 
        set to yes, the previous behaviour will apply: an acceptance dialog will be displayed 
 	on the Target for any of the actions covered with the new four policies.
        For an old server and a new Target it is the Disable User Acceptance policy
        that will determine the user acceptance and if set to No, the Target user 
        will be asked to accept or refuse each of the actions defined in the new
        policies above.
	Additionally, in order to maintain user acceptance policy integrity when upgrading an 
	existing installation the following applies:
	- if "Disable User Acceptance" was set to "No" for a Target and User Group relationship,
	the upgrade will set the four new policies to "Yes" for that relationship.
	- if "Disable User Acceptance" was set to "Yes" for a Target and User Group relationship,
	the upgrade will set the four new policies to "No" for that relationship.        
 	Note: This does not apply to new or existing templates, were the new policies will be 
	left blank. 

2.3 Error message 'Mode is not supported'

	A problem was fixed where the Target tries and fails to capture the text
	mode screen buffer if a minimized console window, such as Command
	Prompt, became the active window on the desktop. Because it cannot
	capture the text mode screen buffer, a screen with the message 'Mode is
	not supported' is displayed instead.

	The Target can now detect if a console window is in full screen text
	mode correctly, when it is running in Windows XP or newer.

	On Windows 2000 systems, it can not tell the difference between a
	minizimed console window and a full screen console window. To recover
	from the problem, press a key on the mouse or the keyboard to restore
	the desktop. This is a limitation of Windows 2000.
	See also: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=661&uid=swg21303496

2.4 Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen
	Two new properties have been added to the trc.properties file with a default value
	to make them visible and editable from the "Edit Properties" screen. 
	The properties deal with the way the Target ip addresses are stored in the 
	- nat.ip.support
	- nat.exclude.list
	Currently the server upon receiving a heartbeat, looks at the heartbeat information
	and the source of the information.
	By Default: the IP list is updated to include the source ip address and the ip address
	reported in the heartbeat, and will be used by the Controller to attempt a connection
	in the following order: source first;heartbeatlist next. 
	The property supports the following values: 
	nat.ip.support = 0 : IP = heartbeatlist
	nat.ip.support = 2 : IP=  source;heartbeatlist
	nat.ip.support = 1 : IP = heartbeatlist;source
	nat.ip.support = 3 : Checks property nat.exclude.list, if the source is NOT in the list, then IP =         heartbeat;source
	nat.ip.support = 4 : Checks property nat.exclude.list, if the source is NOT in the list, then IP =         source;heartbeat

        The nat.exclude.list property can be used to list ip addresses to be ignored (comma separated)


3.0 Product fix history

    - Drawing, Guidance and Highlighting enhancements (APAR IZ19752)(REF 10649)
    - Fixed an issue by which certain actions in the Target would cause a screen 
      resizing with an error message indicating that "Mode is not supported". Fixed 
      for Windows XP and later(APAR IZ19753)(REF 10706)(Target) 
    - Alt + Tab Selector Box in Vista now allows the Controller to click on the 
      selected application(IZ16927)(REF 10715)
    - Modified the agent heartbeat behaviour, so a heartbeat is sent when the 
      Target comes online after a power state change (MR1127076426)(REF 10717) 
    - Fixed a problem where an installation of the Target on certain locales 
      would generate an error with code 1920 (IZ20063) (REF 10720f_1) (Target)
    - Added detail to LDAP logging to report if the connection was done as 
      anonymous or non-anonymous binding.
    - Fixed an issue by which network issues would cause unwanted behaviour with 
      the LDAP synchronization (IZ18930)
    - Removed LDAP case sensitivity 
    - Fix an issue by which the control would not be returned to the Controller
      if the Target user cancels the file transfer operation after having 
      accepted (IZ16879)(REF 10740) (Target)
    - Fixed an issue by which the Controller could bypass the user acceptance 
      for a file transfer by using the Target GUI (IZ17355)(REF 10741)(Target)
    - Introduced new user acceptance policies to deliver more flexibility.
      (MR0311081110)(10739f_1) (Target/Server)
    - Fixed an error when attempting to pull a file from a mapped drive in the 
      Target (REF 10742) (Target)
    - Target now reports version to the server (MR1126077159)(REF 10743) (Target/
    - Fixed an issue that would cause the permissions table to reset after a version 
      update (REF 10756) (Server) WARNING: Do not install IFP1 as your permissions will be reset
    - Fixed an issue that would cause the guidance menu and input box to be displaced
      from the mouse position if scaled (REF 10770)(Controller)
    - Fixed a leap year related issue that caused the audit timestamps for the Target
      to report the wrong time (REF 10655)
    - Fixed an issue with the console certificate (REF 10799)


4.0 Installation information	

    4.1 Manual Install

         When using Disk 3 to perform a manual install of this release, 
         the following should be noted :- 

         A manual install can only be performed on a system which has 
         the previous release of IBM Tivoli Remote Control already

    4.2 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  Windows, Derby Database and eWAS Server Installation 

        Unzip TRC_Disk_1_v510.zip and navigate to trc_server_setup.exe
        Run trc_server_setup.exe
        Follow on screen instructions to install Fix Pack.

        Refer to Installing IBM Tivoli Remote Control for Server in the Installation
        if more detailed information required at :- 


          In the left pane select the Installation Guide for Server and Target

    4.3 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  LINUX, Derby Database and eWAS Server Installation

        Untar TRC_Disk_2_v510.tar and navigate to trc_server_setup.bin
        Run trc_server_setup.bin
        Follow on screen instructions to install Fix Pack. 


    4.4 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0  Websphere Application Server (WAS), AIX, Linux, 
        Solaris and Windows Server Installation
        --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT
         Please back up your video recordings and customised properties files  
       Only the following property are likely to be customised and therefore need to be backed up.


       These files are found in the following directory
       For  Windows based systems:

       For UNIX based systems 


       Where TRCInstallDir is the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation

       The video recordings folder is defined in the rc.recording.directory of  
       the trc.properties file.

       Untar TRC_Disk_3_v510.tar and navigate to your Operating System sub folder:
       AIX        Run trc_additional_setup.bin
       Linux      Run trc_additional_setup.bin
       Solaris    Run trc_additional_setup.bin
       Windows    Run trc_additional_setup.exe

       For AIX/Linux and Solaris
       Run trc_server_setup.bin
       Select 'Install IBM Tivoli Remote Control'
       Select 'Tivoli Remote Control 5.1 Manual Installation Files
       The trc_additional_setup.bin will launch InstallAnywhere and will 
       validate that you have the GA version installed or extracted.
       The new War file will be saved to a place of your choice or the InstallAnywhere 
       default location.

       Use the WAS Administrative Console to update the war file.

       After completing the update and confirming that is installed, restore the 
       saved property files and video recordings if applicable . 
       For Windows

       Run trc_additional_setup.exe
       The trc_additional_setup.exe will launch InstallAnywhere and will validate that you
       have the GA version installed or extracted.

       The new War file will be saved to a place of your choice or the Installer default

       Use the WAS Administrative Console to update the war file.

       After completing the update and confirming that is installed, restore the
       saved property files and video recordings if applicable .   

    4.5 Target requirements
        The computer on which you install the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Target  
        must have the minimum following items or capability

        * At least a 166MHz  Intel or AMD processor.
        * A minimum of 64Mb of memory.
        * A minimum of 50Mb hard disk space. 

        Platform Support
        The following Platforms are supported 

	* Windows 2000 Pro, Server , Advanced Server.
	* Windows XP Pro (32 bits) , (64 bits).
	* Windows Server 2003 Standard R2 (32 bit) , Standard R2 (64 bit) , 
            	Enterprise R2 (32 bit) , Enterprise R2 (64 bit).
	* Windows Vista (32 bit) , (64 bit).
	* RHEL 4.0 for Intel x86 , 5.0 for Intel x86 , 5.0 for AMD/eMT 64bit .
	* SLES 9 / 10 for Intel x86 , AMD/eMT 64bit.
	* SLED 10 for Intel x86 , AMD/eMT 64bit .

   Detailed Hardware and Software requirements can be found at:

    4.6 Admin id for manual AIX install

         After a manual install of the IBM Tivoli Remote Control server on an
         AIX system, the default admin id and password should be typed in
         camel case as follows 

         id = Admin       password = password 

         see- http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=661&uid=swg21281844


   4.7 Target Installation

       To take advantage of the update provided by the Interim Fix Pack it is necessary 
       to redeploy the Target Software.

       Windows Target Software
       Disk 1 contains trc_Target_setup.exe. Refer to Installation Manual for detailed
       install instructions at 


       Non-Windows Target Software
       Disk 3 contains the Target Software for AIX, Linux, Solaris and for completeness,
       Windows as well. Please refer to Installation manual for detailed instructions.

4.8 New Installation

For customers installing the Fix Pack immediately after installing the GA Level (5.1.0112). Please to log onto the application to ensure
that database initialisation has been completed before applying the Fix Pack


5.0 Uninstallation information

To uninstall this interim fix complete the following steps :- 

    * backup and save your properties files

      These files are found in the following directory 

      for windows based systems


      for UNIX based systems 


      where TRCInstallDir is the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation

    * backup your database

         - Derby database

              save a copy of the database by taking a copy of the 
              following directory
               [TRCInstallDir]\DB\TRCDB     - windows systems

               [TRCInstallDir]/DB/TRCDB     - UNIX based systems

         - All other databases follow the standard procedure for backing
            up the database

     * Uninstall the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Server

          To uninstall the server complete one of the following steps

          - Add/Remove programs

               Uninstall Tivoli Remote Control 5.1

          - Running the uninstall application

               Run the file 'Uninstall Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.exe' which
               can be found in the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation

      * Install the previous version of IBM Tivoli Remote Control 

          For installation instructions go to the following site 


          In the left pane select the Installation Guide for Server and Target

      * Stop the IBM Tivoli Remote Control service
      * Restore your properties files and database

      * Start the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Service


6.0 Contacting IBM Support

Additional help or information can be found at the following Web sites




7.0 Notices and trademarks

Appendix. Notices

This information was developed for products and services offered in the
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A.1 Trademarks

The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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IBM logo
Tivoli logo

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