Date: September 30, 2005
Name: 7.1.3-TIV-NVD-FP0004
Component: IBM Tivoli NetView Version 7.1.3
PTF Number: U804578 (UNIX) or XR23264 (Windows)
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the "Notices" section at the end of this document.
This section provides general information about this Fix Pack. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you install this Fix Pack.
This Fix Pack consists of five packages, one each for RS6000 AIX, SUN SPARC Solaris, Linux Intel, Linux 390, and Microsoft Windows. You need to use the appropriate package on each platform on which an IBM Tivoli NetView native server or client has been installed.
This Fix Pack also contains a set of corrections for the NetView ETL code used by and contained within the Tivoli Data Warehouse. In order to apply the corrections to the NetView ETL code within the Tivoli Data Warehouse, see the file associated with this Fix Pack. is the executable for installing these changes.
None. There are no patches superseded by this Fix Pack.
Please note that the following Windows operating systems are not supported in this release:
The following items are new in IBM Tivoli NetView Fix Pack 04.
The three new options listed below have been added to xnmsnmpconf command. Note: The characters in [] are optional.
Removes all entries from the SNMP configuration nodedb directory.
Removes all entries from the SNMP configuration wilddb directory.
Removes all entries from the SNMP configuration colldb directory.
For AIX and Solaris, with the three new options and the previously existing "xnmsnmpconf -clearCache", this now means the SNMP configuration database can be entirely cleared out by entering the following four commands:
For Linux, do NOT use the new commands to clear xnmsnmpconf's databases. On Linux, using the new options causes xnmsnmpconf to fail later with a memory fault. Unfortunately, after this failure, there is no way to fix the xnmsnmpconf database other than to reinstall IBM Tivoli NetView.
For Linux, xnmsnmpconf's databases can only be cleared by using xnmsnmpconf and deleting each node one at a time.
Two new options have been added to the script that permit managing and unmanageing networks from the command line. The format of the new options are: --manage-network <IP Address 1> ... <IP Address N> --unmanage-network <IP Address 1> ... <IP Address N>
For UNIX, a new netnmrc file is shipped with this fix pack. Changes to netnmrc fix problems related to APAR IY71793 with correctly starting up the X Virutal Frame Buffer software.
In order to place this fix in your NetView for UNIX 7.1.3 server implementation, copy the new file from /usr/OV/newconfig/OVMIN/netnmrc to /etc/netnmrc (for AIX) or /etc/init.d/netnmrc (for other UNIX Platforms).
For UNIX, a new trapd.conf file is shipped with this fix pack. Changes to trapd.conf fix problems related to APAR IY57432 with sending interface lists to the Tivoli Enterprise Console on events, as well problems related to APAR IY52871 with launching the MIB browser or Sort events from Options -> Additional Actions in the Events Window in the Control Desk.
If trapd.conf in /usr/OV/conf/C (not the obsolete trapd.conf file in /usr/OV/conf) has not been customized, simply replace it with the new trapd.conf from /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN. If, however, the original trapd.conf has been modified, manually merge the changes into the original file.
Note: See the New in Fix Pack 03 section for information on the Windows trapd.conf file.
As mentioned in the A new trapd.conf file section above, the new trapd.conf shipped with this fix pack fixes the problem described by APAR IY52871 with launching the MIB browser from the Events Window on Linux.
If the original trapd.conf has been modified, manually add the changes in the new trapd.conf into the original trapd.conf file. Otherwise, simply use the new trapd.conf.
The suggested method is to use xnmtrap to edit the trapd.conf file because doing so causes trapd to automatically reload it when you are finished. You must make the edit as root.
to this:/usr/OV/bin/xnmbrowser -node "`awk '{if (NR==1)print $10}'`
/usr/OV/bin/xnmbrowser -node "`awk '{if (NR==1)print $10}'` "
Note that you may make this change using another editor also. Locate the line that reads:
and change it to this:ACTION 0 "Browse MIB" /usr/OV/bin/xnmbrowser -node "`awk '{if (NR==1)print $10}'`
ACTION 0 "Browse MIB" /usr/OV/bin/xnmbrowser -node "`awk '{if (NR==1)print $10}'` "
Then save the file. Then you must either restart trapd or issue the command "/usr/OV/bin/event -e FMTCHG" to cause it to re-read the file.
APAR PJ29821 (Windows) and IY57432 (UNIX) deal with certain events failing to parse correctly when sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console(R). The reason for this is that, in certain environments, some nodes and routers have so many interfaces (in excess of 30) that the interface list, sent as varbind 8, is too large for the Tivoli Enterprise Console to parse correctly. This problem is addressed by no longer sending the interface list to the Tivoli Enterprise Console as part of those events.
In IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX, this is controlled by the slot map entries in trapd.conf. The fix for UNIX will ship a new trapd.conf (in /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN) but this will not automatically replace the customized one that the user currently has installed in /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf. Therefore, users should make this modification manually on their current systems (or if trapd.conf has not been customized, simply replace the current one with the new one).
Using xnmtrap, modify each of the following entries in trapd.conf, first clicking the T/EC Slot Map. Then in the window that pops up, select the "iflist" entry and click Delete. Then click OK for each, and "OK" again to complete the edit for that trap. Continue until you are finished. Then press "OK" to finally exit xnmtrap.
IBM_NVNM_EV 50790400 (Node Marginal)
IBM_NVNUP_EV 58916864 (Node Up)
IBM_NVNDWN_EV 58916865 (Node Down)
ROUTDOWN_EV 58916971 (Router Down)
ROUTUNREACH_EV 58916972 (Router Unreachable)
ROUTERUP_EV 58916973 (Router Up)
ROUTMARG_EV 58916974 (Router Marginal)
In IBM Tivoli NetView for Windows, this is controlled by the entries in the file \usr\ov\conf\tecad_nv6k.cds. The fix for Windows will ship a new tecad_nv6k.cds, but in \usr\ov\newconfig\tecad. This new file will not replace the customized file that the user has in \usr\ov\conf\tecad_nv6k.cds. Therefore, in order to avoid the problem, users should make this modification manually on their current systems.
In the \usr\ov\conf\tecad_nv6k.cds file, locate the entries for each of the following traps:
Under the SELECT statement, remove the line that reads:
6: ATTR(=, "VB_8") ;
Under the MAP statement, remove the line that reads
iflist = $V6 ;
For example, the Node Up entry as shipped looks like this:
CLASS TEC_ITS_NODE_STATUS SELECT 1: ATTR(=,$ENTERPRISE) , VALUE(PREFIX, "" ) ; 2: $SPECIFIC = 58916864 ; 3: ATTR(=, "nvObject" ) ; 4: ATTR(=, "nvEventDescr" ) ; 5: ATTR(=, "nvApplNbr" ) ; 6: ATTR(=, "VB_8") ; FETCH 1: IPADDR($V3); MAP origin = $F1 ; hostname = $V3 ; msg = $V4 ; category = $V5 ; nodestatus = 1 ; # UP iflist = $V6 ; nvhostname = $ADAPTER_IP ; # Required for ALL TEC_ITS events END
The user will want to make it look like this:
CLASS TEC_ITS_NODE_STATUS SELECT 1: ATTR(=,$ENTERPRISE) , VALUE(PREFIX, "" ) ; 2: $SPECIFIC = 58916864 ; 3: ATTR(=, "nvObject" ) ; 4: ATTR(=, "nvEventDescr" ) ; 5: ATTR(=, "nvApplNbr" ) ; FETCH 1: IPADDR($V3); MAP origin = $F1 ; hostname = $V3 ; msg = $V4 ; category = $V5 ; nodestatus = 1 ; # UP nvhostname = $ADAPTER_IP ; # Required for ALL TEC_ITS events END
The following items were new in IBM Tivoli NetView Fix Pack 03.
APAR IY48379 described a problem where the ovstop command does not always stop the tdwdaemon. A modified tdwdaemon.lrf was created and included in this Fix Pack that corrects the problem. To install this correction on a UNIX platform, the tdwdaemon.lrf file in the customer installation must be replaced using the following steps:
To back this correction out, follow the above directions, replacing the two copy steps with a single copy of the saved lrf file back to its original location.
The Location Sensitive Topology functionality (location.conf) has been enhanced to allow IP address ranges and wild cards in gateway entries. Ranges or wild cards may be used in any part of the gateway IP address. Wild cards may not be used in a gateway name.
The following change (which should be applied to the comment section of the location.conf file manually) describes the changes to the gateway name or address field:
The format of a gateway entry is:
<location name> <gateway name or address>
where location name is the name of the location under which this gateway should be placed, and gateway name or address is the name of the gateway or the IP address of one of its interfaces in dotted-decimal notation format. Wild cards and ranges are allowed in gateway IP addresses (meaning, 5.25-30.2.8 or 3.5.*.*). Wild cards are not allowed in gateway names (
Example gateway entries:
If a gateway matches more than one gateway entry, one entry is arbitrarily chosen. To help in resolving overlapping gateway entries, warning messages about gateway interfaces that match more than one entry are displayed in the location.log file. These are only warning messages; they do not indicate any problem with the gateway/router placement.
A modified netmon.seed file for APAR IY47145 is shipped with this Fix Pack. This file documents that in order to explicitly discover a node and make it SNMP-managed there must be two entries in the netmon.seed file: one to discover the node and the second for SNMP management. This Fix Pack places the modified netmon.seed file in the /usr/OV/newconfig/IBMVA-RUN/ subdirectory on UNIX, and the \usr\ov\newconfig\netmon subdirectory on Windows.
By default, up to seven alternate community names can be specified in communityNames.conf file. You can modify the maximum number of alternative community names allowed by setting the environment variable MaximumCommunityNames in the netmon.conf file to a value between 0 and 100.
A new trapd.conf file is shipped with this Fix Pack. This trapd.conf file no longer accidentally truncates several values in the HPCIFxxx traps in the trapd.conf file for NetView for Windows. This file can be found in \usr\ov\newconfig\ovsnmp-run\trapd.conf. If you want to use this file and you have not customized \usr\ov\conf\trapd.conf, you can use it to replace the one found in \usr\ov\conf\trapd.conf. If, however, the original file has been modified, you must merge the two files.
APAR IY45265 included in this Fix Pack provides a JRE upgrade. This gets rid of the problem on earlier NetView V7.1.3 Fix Packs where, depending on your system configuration and level of operating system, the NetView Web Console sometimes caused a core dump after the Fix Pack was installed.
IBM Tivoli NetView for Windows users can implement the new ruleset,, which replaces the broken ruleset, A new document, \usr\ov\doc\Rulesets_on_Windows.readme, documents the ruleset samples for use with the correlation daemon, nvcord. should be deleted by the user. It will not be shipped in future releases.
Since NetView for UNIX Version 5.1, the Action node ruleset has added three additional variables to the end of every trap passing through it (in order):
In NetView 6.0.3, a new variable, NVATTR_COUNT was added to tell the user how many variables the trap now contains, and it permitted easier reference of these last three:
In NetView 7.1.3, these additional varbinds are now exported into three, easy to reference variables:
mib2trap mib_file addtrap_output_file [baroc_file] [base_event_class_name]
If you want to continue using the old base class, Nvserverd_Event, you can do so by specifying it as the fourth (optional) parameter, in the following way because the command now supports any user-defined base event class.:
mib2trap mib_file addtrap_output_file baroc_file Nvserverd_Event
The origin field of an event sent to Tivoli Enterprise Console by the internal Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter in nvserverd always contains the IP address of the NetView server. The adapter_host field contains either the fully qualified domain name of the NetView server or the same IP Address as the origin field. Short names can no longer be used for the adapter host field in order to facilitate event responses and forwarding at the Tivoli Enterprise Console server.
The Java MIB Loader no longer puts MIBs that failed to load into the list of loaded MIBs. It also now warns you if loading a MIB is skipped and reminds you that, for the Java MIB loader, the only valid extensions for MIB files are .mib, .my, and .def.
The file installed on Solaris as /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc has been changed so that the command field reads just 'command = "" ' (a null command entry) from its former value, 'command = /usr/bin/echo mgragentd registered with snmpdx'. The purpose of this change is to avoid any possibility of a defunct process being created when snmpdx is restarted. However, the file is only installed once, on the initial installation of NetView, and the current copy on your system is not updated by this Fix Pack. Therefore, if you wish to have this change before the next release, you must manually insert this change into the /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc file.
As of NetView V7.1.2, the Tivoli Enterprise Console class definitions used by NetView were upgraded. The previous Tivoli Enterprise Console Event class definitions used by NetView are no longer supported, and you are expected to use the new class definitions because future migration will not support the old class definitions.
If the snmpCollect daemon is deferring more collections than seem appropriate, the problem may be because the default wait time of 3 seconds may not be enough time for the snmpCollect daemon to receive the reply.
To allow more time for collections, do the following:
When NetView security is enabled, the Tivoli NetView server's fully qualified host name must appear as the first host name for the server's entry in the server's /etc/hosts file. Otherwise, the NetView client's credentials cannot be verified, and when a message is sent from the server in the Security Administration dialogue, Error(35) is reported.
When using a Tivoli NetView native server/client configuration on UNIX, the native NetView client must be stopped and restarted if the platform on which the NetView server resides is rebooted. The reboot and subsequent restart of the NetView server causes the loss of session information regarding the native client, and the client must be stopped and restarted to restore that information.
The wildcard range in the seed file limits the discovery to be in the range for all managed networks. It does not force netmon to discover any new node in that range, and it does not force netmon to create a new network. However, for the seeded entry (single IP or hostname), netmon always attempts to discover the entry and to create a network if it is needed.
To enforce the discovery of an "island-network" (that is, a network with no router connection to NetView server), you must add one explicit (seeded) node entry in that network into the seed file to force the node discovery and network creation. In addition, to expand discovery on other devices in that network, you must ensure the seeded entry is SNMP enabled.
In the SNMP Configuration Panel of the xnmsnmpconf application, the field Retry Count indicates the total attempts on a ping or SNMP request. The count includes the initial poll, so a value of "1" indicates one attempt should be made, a value of "2" indicates an initial attempt and one retry if it fails, etc.
If the daily Web Server log files are taking up too much space on your system, in addition to lowering the number of days that these request logs are retained, there are several additional actions you can take:
The Query Interval determines how often Web Consoles send a request to check whether the Web Server is still alive.
Normally, there is no need to customize this parameter. However, if the daily servlet request logs (yyyy_mm_dd.request.log in /usr/OV/www/logs for UNIX or in \usr\ov\www\logs for Windows) are routinely much too large, you can increase the Query Interval so that fewer EventChannel query log entries are created. However, this change also increases the lag time before Web Consoles realize that the Web Server has gone down.
This can be configured in the queryIntervalSec parameter for the EventChannel Servlet in the /usr/OV/www/webapps/netview/WEB-INF/web.xml file for UNIX or in the \usr\ov\www\webapps\netview\WEB-INF\web.xml file for Windows.
The Client Refresh rate determines how often Web Consoles ask the Web Server to refresh the events for the Web Consoles' event browsers.
Normally, there is no need to customize this parameter. However, if the daily servlet request logs (yyyy_mm_dd.request.log in /usr/OV/www/logs for UNIX or in \usr\ov\www\logs for Windows) are routinely much too large, you can increase the Client Refresh rate so that fewer EventBrowser event request log entries will be created. However, this change also decreases the frequency with which the EventBrowser data is updated in the Web Consoles.
This can be configured in the clientRefreshRate parameter for the EventBrowser Servlet in the /usr/OV/www/webapps/netview/WEB-INF/web.xml file for UNIX or in the \usr\ov\www\webapps\netview\WEB-INF\web.xml file for Windows.
Both of these actions, as well as lowering the number of days the logs are retained, can be performed on a NetView Web Server running on either a UNIX platform or a Windows platform.
IBM Tivoli NetView 7.1.3 requires the latest Tivoli Enterprise Console releases (3.7.1 + Fix Pack 05, 3.8 + Fix Pack 01, 3.9) if TEC-forwarding is enabled. This is due to changes in the trap parameters sent from NetView to Tivoli Enterprise Console, which is only known to the latest Tivoli Enterprise Console releases.
When configuring a client/server system for the first time on the Solaris operating system, you might see an error message during the "Add Client Access" stage that says:
!-> error message "Can't open /etc/dfs/sharetab" (3 times)-> Operation completed
This is because the file /etc/dfs/sharetab does not initially exist on Solaris. The client setup creates the file after failing to access it, so the error message does not indicate failure.
The Security Audit Configuration dialog box has two panes.
The upper pane contains the Select Audit Categories field. Use the on and off buttons in this field to select the categories of audit records that should be stored. Refer to the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide for information about the events recorded under each category.
The lower pane contains the following fields, which can be used to control the size and location of audit log files:
On UNIX, /usr/OV/bin/netview.pre is a script a user can create to set environment variables pertaining to the NetView Console. /usr/OV/bin/netview.pre gets run when the user brings up the NetView Console. Like /usr/OV/bin/netnmrc.pre which is used for daemon startup environment variables, /usr/OV/bin/netview.pre is automatically backed up and migrated during an update installation or when users select the /usr/OV/bin.USER category during migration.
netview.pre can be used to set the environment variable, NVMAPGLOBALACK. Setting NVMAPGLOBALACK equal to one activates the global-based mode for map aknowledgments.
ON AIX V5 platforms, the default SNMP agent for the operating system is the SNMP V3 agent, which NetView 7.1.3 is not enabled to work with. The default SNMP agent for the system should be set to the SNMP V1 agent. This can be done by stopping the NetView daemons, executing the operating system command
snmpv3_ssw -1
and then restarting the NetView daemons.
The following customer-reported problems are fixed in IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 by this fix pack:
APAR # | Platform | Description |
IY53703 | UNIX |
The trapd daemon does not format hexadecimal data in traps as expected. |
IY54434 | Windows UNIX |
For complex SmartSets, the nvUtil evaluation command does not always yield the correct results, especially if the right-hand side of the rule ended with a NOT operator (for example, !(xxxx)) and had multiple && conditions. |
IY54575 | UNIX |
On Linux, the nvcorrd daemon cores when delete [] is called for an array that was not dynamically allocated. |
IY55966 | UNIX |
Holding the spacebar down causes ovw_binary to core in about 20 seconds. |
IY56671 | Windows UNIX |
Enumerations are lost from the Tivoli NetView database after running the ovstop, ovstop nvsecd, or the /etc/netnmrc command. |
IY56765 | UNIX |
Demand poll fails on SNMP V3 for the Linux platform. |
IY56873 | UNIX |
The netmon daemon cores after running xnmsnmpconf -clear<xx>db. |
IY57388 | UNIX |
On Linux, rule sets have problems with nodes that do not have names. |
IY57432 | UNIX |
Parsing failure at the Tivoli Enterprise Console server for Tivoli NetView events with big interface lists (varbind 8). |
IY57468 | Windows UNIX |
Turning off "Poll for Status" does not disable SnmpStatus poll, but it does disable ICMP ping. |
IY57469 | Windows UNIX |
When all settings from the Topology/Status Polling Configuration are turned off, explicit seed file entries are not discovered. |
IY57579 | UNIX |
APAR IY4909 can cause performance problems during startup of the netmon daemon. |
IY57626 | UNIX |
When sending an apm policy the apm icons turn blue. |
IY57654 | UNIX |
The ovtopmd daemon cores when there are incomplete objects left in the database. It occurs only in rare cases. |
IY58119 | UNIX |
Users used the SmartSet editor (collectioned) dialog to create SmartSets where the first definition was a "two word" attribute and the second definition was an IN_COLLECTION test. Creating the SmartSet was successful. However, when the user subsequently tried to modify that SmartSet using the SmartSet editor dialog, the SmartSet editor said "SmartSet cannot be correctly expressed in dialog. Text editor used instead." |
IY58223 | UNIX |
Status updates for open topology objects stop after 15 minutes. |
IY58244 | Windows UNIX |
The nvdbformat command gave the wrong results with some selectrule definitions. |
IY58404 | Windows UNIX |
If there are problems with the first address, snmp_addr in the netmon cache should not be changed to be the second address if the second address also fails. |
IY58551 | UNIX |
The mib2trap command does not add slotmap embedded comments into the baroc file. |
IY58586 | UNIX |
The user brings up the SmartSet editor (collectioned) either from the native NetView console or from the command line. The user then clicks Add -> Modify and then switches the Definition type to Subnet. The user then clicks Calculate, types in an IP address and Subnet Mask, and then clicks Calculate. collectioned then cores with a Segmentation Fault. |
IY58780 | Windows UNIX |
Icon size in the submapexplorer is sometimes calculated incorrectly. |
IY59196 | Windows UNIX |
The ovtopmd daemon cores due to memory leaks. |
IY59201 | Windows UNIX |
The ovtopmd daemon grows in size when objects are deleted from the map. |
IY59424 | Windows UNIX |
Status is reported incorrectly on SnmpStatus poll whenever there is a timeout on the request. |
IY60701 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon reports interface down events for the rest of the interfaces after encountering an "Snmp error: no such name" on one of the SNMP status requests (req = SNMPStatus). |
IY60881 | UNIX |
Applications registered with -restart are not actually restarted. |
IY60946 | UNIX |
High CPU usage of ovw_binary under certain conditions. |
IY61174 | Windows UNIX |
Error in the /usr/OV/conf/tdwdaemon.log file: "Wrong number of parameters". |
IY61505 | Windows UNIX |
In the submap explorer of the Web Console, the nodes displayed in the left and right panes do not always match. |
IY61588 | UNIX |
If the entry "!@oid 0" is added to the netmon.seed file after initial discovery, non-SNMP-supported devices are deleted after the daily configuration check or demand poll. |
IY61634 | UNIX |
The trap varbinds (nv_var1 ... nv_var<n>) are all sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server as long as no explicit slot mapping is configured using the xnmtrap (the trapd.conf file). As soon as a slot is defined (such as, severity), only the severity is sent. The man pages for the trapd.conf file will be updated with this information. |
IY62044 | UNIX |
The nvcorrd man page needs to be updated to indicate that nvcorrd caches the last 100 events, not just the last 25. |
IY62164 | Windows UNIX |
Users are getting thousands of nonexistent segments added to their database. |
IY62217 | UNIX |
On Solaris, if 22 or more native GUIs are opened, ovwdb starts to grow rapidly until it gets to 2 GB, then cores. |
IY62939 | Windows UNIX |
The data mart ETL of the Tivoli NetView Warehouse Enablement Pack is failing in steps anm_m05_s010_metric and in step anm_m05_s020_fact with FOREIGN KEY errors. The problem is that some nodes are not being added to the ANM.D_L3NODES table. |
IY63336 | Windows UNIX |
The mib2trap command makes the addtrap command silent, which suppresses warning messages that users should see. |
IY63370 | Windows UNIX |
In the NetView Web Console, the Open Map table is unnecessarily opened for only maps whose name is not default. |
IY63655 | UNIX |
Periodic ovw_binary cores when pinging nodes. |
IY63686 | Windows UNIX |
When a new object that belongs to a SmartSet is discovered while the SmartSet is open on the NetView console, the new object is displayed with a generic computer symbol. Closing the SmartSet and reopening it displays the proper symbol. This workaround is documented in this readme under the Known defects and limitations section. |
IY64107 | Windows UNIX |
*.*.*.* should be allowed as an IP address range for SNMP locking in the netmon.seed file. |
IY64272 | Windows UNIX |
If a user customizes a column within a column view, for example, the IP Address view on the Web Client, the column size is reset to its original size if the user changes the submap or presses the refresh button. |
IY64366 | UNIX |
The snmpCollect Unix APAR, IY50954, allowed the user to specify IP addresses. However, name resolution was always used. Now the user has the option of not doing name resolution on the IP address. |
IY64466 | Windows UNIX |
A Node marginal event that is forwarded to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server contains the name of the NetView machine in the origin slot, not the name of the affected node. |
IY64564 | UNIX |
After creating a SmartSet that contains intefaces, the interface labels in the SmartSet for newly discovered interfaces take the default topology label, rather than the ipmap label which is based on the current IP Map "How should interface labels be shown" configuration parameter. |
IY65381 | Windows UNIX |
The Tivoli NetView data mart ETL, step ANM_M05_S010_METRIC, fails with a foreign key error when inserting into the ANM.F_3TRS_HOUR table. |
IY65723 | Windows UNIX |
The readme description of using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with the Web Console was incomplete. It does not mention the jetty.xml file. |
IY66025 | Windows UNIX |
The NetView Web Console event viewer rule sets need to be sorted in lexigraphical order. |
IY66397 | UNIX |
DebuggingToolsV2 does not install on a system without the tools already installed. |
IY67899 | Windows UNIX |
Ping commands triggered from the NetView Web Console are not terminated on linex-based platforms. |
IY67997 | UNIX |
The isManager field gets deleted during the recreation of the default map. |
IY68884 | UNIX |
The ovwdbdmap command -d option adds a zero to object ID numbers greater than four characters. |
IY69969 | UNIX |
The nvcold daemon and nvutil commands have a memory leak. |
IY70256 | Windows UNIX |
NetView 7.1.4 Fix Pack 03 made customer web console scripts fail. |
IY70592 | UNIX |
The nvcold daemon cores in the inet_aton() routine on linux-based platforms. |
IY70812 | Windows UNIX |
Received an "ILLEGALARGUMENTEXCEPTION" when unmanaging an administratively-down interface using the script. |
IY71793 | UNIX |
The netnmrc script does not always correctly handle the check for the vfb process. |
IY72414 | Windows UNIX |
Ability to manage and unmanage network objects by the script needs to be documented. |
PJ29741 | Windows UNIX |
After clearing and restoring tables in the TWH_MART and rerunning the the NetView ETLs, historical data is missing. |
PJ29821 | Windows |
Events with an iflist slot larger than 512 characters gets a PARSING_FAILED error in the Tivoli Event Console. |
PJ29910 | Windows UNIX |
An error occurred when attempting to install the NetView ETLs after installing DB2 Fix Pack 11. |
PJ29983 | Windows UNIX |
A rule set queries a SmartSet and causes an "NVCOLLECTION API not initialized" error. |
PJ30038 | Windows |
Using a custom filter in tess and the Tivoli NetView for Windows event browser, the browser window disappears after a while, with this text shown in the nv.log file: [tess] OnTimer exception at requery with hstmt:0. (-1) State:S1000,Native:-1045,Origin: Microsoft ODBC Microsoft Access Driver. Not a valid bookmark. |
PJ30107 | Windows |
The netviewd daemon on the Windows platform always uses the "default" map. |
PJ30155 | Windows |
After getting an "ndbm_store write0 FAILED" or "ndbm_store split FAILED" error message in the nv.log, the log starts filling up with lots of other failure messages. |
PJ30197 | Windows UNIX |
There is a color inconsistency between the left and right panes of the NetView Web Console submap explorer window. |
PJ30208 | Windows |
The nvdbexport command is not correctly handling null fields in the data. |
PJ30239 | Windows |
Incorrect time being show on the axis of the SnmpCollect graph window. |
PJ30257 | Windows |
Error of "ndbm_store write0 FAILED" for the object database found in the NetView log file. |
PJ30411 | Windows UNIX |
Need to remove "IBM Confidential" wording in shipped files. |
PJ30425 | Windows |
The hyperlinks in the NetView 7.1.4 Fix Pack 3 ReadMe file do not work in a Windows Environment. |
PJ30563 | Windows |
Duplicate lines printed in demand output due to unmanaged interfaces. |
The following customer-reported problems were fixed in IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 by Fix Pack 3:
APAR # | Platform | Description |
IY49659 | UNIX |
On AIX 5.1 platforms, commands launched by ovactiond are not killed when the wait time is exceeded. |
IY50486 | Windows UNIX |
The IBM Tivoli NetView DB2 Availability database has duplicate records (see IY53390 and IY55671). |
IY50954 | UNIX |
snmpcollect does not collect for IP addresses if the IP address is resolvable to a hostname. |
IY50954A | UNIX |
IY50954 Follow-on for Linux |
IY50990 | Windows UNIX |
netmon does not wait polling intervals after restart. |
IY51064 | Windows UNIX |
The QUERY DATABASE FIELD NODE does not work for interface selection. |
IY51125 | Windows UNIX |
Wildcards in the netmon seed file are not working when specifying the SNMP status polling token |
IY51162 | UNIX |
Slot values have long names and they are being truncated to 15 characters when it is saved. |
IY51398 | Windows UNIX |
nvdbformat has slow processing. |
IY51516 | Windows UNIX |
nvrsedit does not display a pop-up error when it can not handle a ruleset. |
IY51641 | UNIX |
nvserverd coredumps due to its buffer being too small to properly format a very large trap. |
IY51778 | Windows UNIX |
Update documentation on the use of ranges in the netmon seed file. |
IY51844 | Windows UNIX |
Rediscovery of routers does not work. |
IY52086 | UNIX |
netmon does not send a retry poll when the initial poll fail if retries is equal to one. |
IY52227 | UNIX |
Added support for acknowledgement of Layer2 marginal status. |
IY52320 | UNIX |
The SNMP configuration look up routine suddenly returns NetView's default value instead of the customer's setting in Global Default. |
IY52341 | Windows UNIX |
ipmap cores when it gets back objects with unexpected submap types. ipmap was fixed to simply log an error message and ignore the corrupt object. |
IY52351 | Windows UNIX |
Solves the problem pertaining to ovesmd making DNS request for networks and network segment that was not completely solved by IY47892. |
IY52394 | Windows UNIX |
nvcorrd cores in the function, SETSTATEDNODE, with SIGNAL 11 |
IY52758 | UNIX |
xnmgraph ends with a plotting error or calculates the wrong Y-AXIS values |
IY52773 | Windows UNIX |
netmon cores with a SIGNAL 6 every 10 minutes. |
IY52820 | UNIX |
trapd cores daily. |
IY52871 | UNIX |
NetView's events application additional actions of browse mib and sorting events all fail with shared library load errors |
IY53038 | UNIX |
The NetView shell script is missing a line around line position 130 |
IY53188 | Windows UNIX |
Document the Maximum Alternate Community Names variable defined in netmon.conf file |
IY53244 | UNIX |
Executing nvgethost requesting the usage, gives garbage mixed in with the actual usage. |
IY53271 | Windows UNIX |
trapd dies while toggling tracing or logging. |
IY53390 | Windows UNIX |
NetView 7.1.3 ETL1 inserting avail data into TWH_CDW resulted in duplication of node (comp_id) and measurement values pairs. |
IY53400 | UNIX |
xnmloadmib2 and xnmbrowser2 cannot run if NetView security is enabled. No Security Registration Files exist. |
IY53530 | UNIX |
Documents how to control the nvsecd log files. |
IY53554 | UNIX |
The mibtable command loops while getting status tables from the MLM MIBs. |
IY53580 | UNIX |
APM data collection is returning the same value over and over again. |
IY53666 | UNIX |
trapd dies with SIGNAL 13. |
IY53704 | UNIX |
There are problems with set state nodes in nvrsEdit. |
IY53727 | Windows UNIX |
Customers' ipmap on several interfaces are not showing the correct symbol. |
IY53780 | UNIX |
netmon accepts unwanted IP addresses and pings them again and again. |
IY53804 | Windows UNIX |
nvdbformat cores after applying Fix Pack 2. |
IY54371 | Windows UNIX |
Repeating interface unreachable events with RFI enabled. |
IY54590 | UNIX |
ovtopofix should delete empty networks. |
IY54644 | Windows UNIX |
Web Client hanging |
IY54964 | Windows UNIX |
IY50990 causes problems in big networks. |
IY55025 | UNIX |
Application default files still contain IBM850 fonts. |
IY55219 | Windows UNIX |
netmon cores on SOLARIS if DEMANDPOLL and PING STATUS POLL hit at the same time. |
IY55256 | UNIX |
nvsecd cores when launching nvsec_admin if subdirectories exist in /usr/OV/security/C/Domains/*. |
IY55354 | UNIX |
HSRP interface gets deleted and recreated every minute |
IY55671 | Windows UNIX |
tdwdaemon adding multiple records to the Availability database for the same status event because of the way netmon is generating events. |
IY55803 | UNIX |
Attempting to display NetView's online books/help resulted in path not found error messages on AIX 5.2 boxes without NetScape, but with Mozilla, in the case where NetView, but not Mozilla was running. |
IY55831 | UNIX |
Spurious ovwdb hang during communications with ovspmd |
IY56095 | UNIX |
Two "NODE UNMANAGED" traps for one UNMANAGE action. |
IY56323 | UNIX |
How do we prevent creating availData files. |
IY56338 | Windows UNIX |
netmon is not resolving names in the netmon seed file (netmon.seed) that start with a digit. |
IY56534 | UNIX |
the new -R option for ovtopofix should also work individually. |
IY56522 | UNIX |
netcheck's TCP check displays an incorrect error message on Linux. |
IY56637 | Windows UNIX |
"netmon -a 160" does not dump the value of the TDWAVAILABILITY |
IY56958 | Windows UNIX |
Eliminate major memory leak in nvcold triggered by running nvUtil evaluate commands. |
PJ29258 | UNIX |
NetView for Windows 7.1.3, TME based tecad_nv6k.exe TEC adapter dies when it receives events to be forwarded to a TEC Server |
PJ29495 | Windows | ruleset is broken. |
PJ29503 | Windows UNIX |
--#EDIT_USING query returns zero rows |
PJ29517 | Windows |
nvcord exchanges $A value incorrectly for an event which passed an activate ruleset. |
PJ29522 | Windows UNIX |
API call "OVwFieldNameToFieldId" fails if NetView is recycled and the client application is not. |
PJ29525 | Windows |
NetView Windows 2000 user created backgrounds did not work properly. The customer configured the Submap Background with two different bitmap files and caused the background to disappear. This problem only occurs for customer bitmap files. |
PJ29580 | Windows |
The user was collecting data and tried to use the "Filter by" Time selection in the Object Properties screen. When the user selected the "Filter by" option, the data window did not display any data what so ever. |
PJ29586 | Windows UNIX |
nvdbformat/nvdbimport can not GET/SET fields with commas. |
PJ29588 | Windows UNIX |
NV713 WEP, ETL2, steps 1 and 2 can log excessive amounts of truncation warnings causing large logs and reduced performance. |
PJ29597 | Windows UNIX |
NetView 7.1.3 WEP step "anm_m05_s010_metric" fails because of duplicate nodes in ANM.STAGE_DIV_OUTAGES table. |
PJ29619 | Windows UNIX |
For the NetView 7.1.3 WEP, step 2 "anm_m05_s020_fact.db2", the header of this file has the name of the sql file for step 1. |
PJ29644 | Windows |
Windows trapd gets an exception on a null IP address from MS Trap Service. |
PJ29651 | Windows UNIX |
NetView 7.1.3 WEP step "anm_m05_s010_metric" failing to insert destination data because of "string data right truncation." |
PJ29653 | Windows UNIX |
Missing historical data for the reports showing percent outage for both month and yearly reports. |
PJ29654 | Windows UNIX |
NetView avail ETL2 is not calculating availability accurately in all cases. This results in unusual reports such as negative % outages. |
PJ29666 | Windows |
snmpcollect.exe repeats snmpget requests when the number of objects to collect exceeds 16. |
PJ29726 | Windows UNIX |
Restrict SNMP status polling to discovered interfaces. |
PJ29734 | Windows UNIX |
xnmgraph.stat output file limits Line field to 20 characters. |
PJ29741 | Windows UNIX |
After clearing/resetting the ANM tables in the TWH_MART and re-running the NetView ETL2, historical availability data is missing. |
The following customer-reported problems were fixed in IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 by Fix Pack 2:
APAR # | Platform | Description |
IY33891 | UNIX |
NetView for AIX 7.1.2 has an ovw_binary core when monitoring SNMP errors on a Cisco Switch. |
IY35244 | UNIX |
The snmpwalk command needs to handle larger sub-identifiers than the current limit of 0X7FFFFFFF. |
IY35759 | Windows UNIX |
The nvcold daemon loops if a SmartSet contains more than four definitions. |
IY35809 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon does not handle discovery of COMPAQ remote insight boards (RIB). |
IY37415 | UNIX |
The telnet menu item in the Administer menu on the NetView for AIX 7.1.3 GUI fails on AIX V5. |
IY37722 | UNIX |
The NetView migration scripts attempt to compress NetView databases that are already compressed. |
IY38222 | UNIX |
The ovw_binary application cores when a read-only map is refreshed after closing the NavTree window. |
IY38312 | Windows UNIX |
The quicktest critical command displays UP interfaces. |
IY38339 | Windows |
The NetView Web Console application is hanging with an empty submap explorer window. |
IY38681 | UNIX |
The add connection menu item in the edit menu does not work in NetView V6 or V7. |
IY38709 | UNIX |
The netmon daemon is incorrectly resolving SNMP community strings |
IY38794 | Windows UNIX |
Need to remove explicit options for database compression since non-compression database format is obsolete. |
IY38831 | Windows |
Need to remove unnecessary double slashes when the NetView web event browser executes the rectrap application on UNIX. |
IY38836 | Windows |
The progress meter in the NetView web security console is confusing and does not report progress consistently. |
IY38924 | Windows UNIX |
An HSRP interface may be assigned to the IP forwarding workstation if it is discovered earlier than the router that actually owns the interface. |
IY38987 | Windows UNIX |
The ipmap application cores while ipmap is trying to add a new serial interface in a serial segment. |
IY39085 | UNIX |
Need to document how customers can return to the previous TEC classes after migration to NetView 7.1.2. |
IY39721 | UNIX |
The nvserverd daemon ADAPTER_HOST slot ="UNKNOWN" if hostname is a fully-qualified domain name. |
IY39832 | Windows UNIX |
A non-unique NetView IFNAME (VARBIND 8) slot breaks the NetView.RLS in TEC. |
IY39859 | UNIX |
Incorrect community name being used to poll devices. |
IY39944 | Windows UNIX |
The ovw application cores after migration from NetView 6.0.2 to NetView 7.1.3. |
IY40164 | UNIX |
Unmanaging all child objects of an object on the map leaves its own status unchanged. |
IY40202 | Windows UNIX |
The collection editor no longer allows a SmartSet to be defined based on another SmartSet rule. |
IY40255 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon adds garbage to the ifalias value. |
IY40257 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon cores and exits on a signal 6. |
IY40327 | Windows UNIX |
Unmanaging a location leaves a nested location managed if both are siblings in the same SmartSet. |
IY40359 | Windows UNIX |
The ipmap application may take up to two days to synchronize. |
IY40422 | UNIX |
The nvevents application does not find rulesets located in a subdirectory. |
IY40575 | Windows UNIX |
NetView for Solaris 7.1.3 netmon cores after auto-deleting a node. |
IY40807 | Windows |
Nodes disappearing from the right side of the explorer view in SmartSets on NetView Web Console. |
IY40837 | UNIX |
The ipmap application cores when a network name is the same as a location and the /etc/networks file is used. |
IY41078 | Windows |
Document Internet Explorer system requirements for use with NetView Web Console. |
IY41085 | Windows UNIX |
ISDN status monitoring doesn't work on CISCO routers due to the organization of MIB data. |
IY41227 | Windows |
The hostname field in the logon dialogue for the NetView Web Console should trim white space. |
IY41306 | UNIX |
Need to log whether netviewd starts with read/only or read/write map. |
IY41423 | Windows UNIX |
The mib2trap application cored when reading the Brocade.mib file. |
IY41553 | UNIX |
Incomplete category list in the Events Attribute node in the ruleset editor. |
IY41608 | UNIX |
The dispsub man pages and xnmtrap trap description for dispsub is incorrect. |
IY41640 | Windows UNIX |
The ipmap application is placing routers into wrong locations. |
IY41984 | UNIX |
The SNMP configuration lookup routines return the hard coded defaults for some nodes. |
IY42228 | Windows UNIX |
Bogus trace message being written to the netmon.trace file. |
IY42241 | Windows UNIX |
Objects loaded into NetView via the loadhosts command have incorrect SNMP addresses. |
IY42341 | UNIX |
The xnmsnmpconfig application is not setting the SNMP parameters correctly on some nodes. |
IY42394 | UNIX |
NetView for Linux 7.1.3 not discovering nodes via cdpcache. |
IY42407 | Windows UNIX |
The netcheck application does not use the value given for the snmptries option to perform a SNMP request. |
IY42541 | Windows UNIX |
Multiple interface down events generated for HSRP virtual interface. |
IY42757 | Windows |
The command is unable to delete an object that contains a space in its name. |
IY42765 | UNIX |
Fix Pack readme describes deleting Fix Pack directory, but succeeding fixes that prereq the Fix Pack won't install afterwards. |
IY42835 | Windows |
The maptreeserver java process hangs when the hidden symbol callback receives a NULL pointer. |
IY42836 | Windows UNIX |
NetView not updating the SNMP address in the object database when a device's IP address is reconfigured. |
IY42893 | UNIX |
The ovw_binary executable cores if a second map is opened and a SmartSet is displayed in the original map. |
IY43169 | Windows UNIX |
HSRP interface is discovered as a lone device after fix for IY38709. |
IY43210 | Windows UNIX |
The TEDW Integration Pack for NetView v1.1.0 Read Me does not state the TEDW requirements in a distributed installation for the NetView ETLs. |
IY43406 | Windows UNIX |
Router remains marginal although the only down interface is deleted from the router, and the remaining interfaces are up. |
IY43435 | Windows |
The NetView WEB Console Secure Socket Layer (SSL) configuration was corrupted after a Fix Pack installation. |
IY43441 | Windows UNIX |
The location.conf file will not handle any range that contains a 0 in an octet other than the last one. |
IY43722 | UNIX |
The nvcorrd daemon tracing does not work on Linux when the "nvcdebug -d all" command is given. |
IY43803 | UNIX |
Data from MIB Table not being reported correctly. |
IY43838 | UNIX |
Start of the netmon daemon causes modprobe error on ZLinux. |
IY44034 | UNIX |
The snmpcollect daemon cores with signal 11 when collecting SYSUPTIME data. |
IY44072 | Windows UNIX |
Events are not reaching TEC if the node is not in the NetView database. |
IY44081 | Windows |
The nvsniffer daemon is changing field to TRUE for a device that no longer has the "service" for which the field was originally created. |
IY44097 | Windows UNIX |
Interfaces disappear if set to by the WINDOWS operating system. |
IY44258 | Windows |
Switch view of NetView WEB Console doesn't always work on the Red Hat Linux operating system. |
IY44481 | UNIX |
Soft-linked directories within /usr/OV can confuse serversetup commands. |
IY44501 | UNIX |
NetView complains about invalid SNMP V2 trap |
IY45049 | UNIX |
An ADMINDOWN interface is propagated upward as critical rather than as "User1". |
IY45164 | Windows |
Deadlock condition found between the nvcold and ovwdb daemons. |
IY45265 | UNIX |
NetView's java cores after installing NetView 7.1.3 |
IY45385 | Windows |
NetView snmpColFiles data files allows maximum of 500 entries. |
IY45510 | Windows |
Need to add more information to a NetView WEB Console error message. |
IY46551 | Windows |
Some of the nodes are missing on the topology view of NetView Web Console. |
IY46570 | Windows UNIX |
The ovw_binary application cores after installation of fix IY42893 in certain cases. |
IY46752 | UNIX |
The nvgethost application is not using the /etc/hosts file on the Linux and ZLinux platforms. |
IY46849 | Windows UNIX |
SmartSets with condition IN_SUBNET may have incomplete contents. |
IY46921 | UNIX |
The netmon daemon on LINUX is using the wrong port as the MLM trap destination. |
IY47144 | Windows |
The AGENT-CAPABILITIES construct in a MIB is not being recognized in java SNMPV2 mibloader code. |
IY47145 | Windows UNIX |
Documentation request to explicitly state requirements on the entries in the netmon seed file to discover and SNMP manage nodes. (See the entry for this APAR in the Product Notes section below) |
IY47206 | UNIX |
Multiple invalid trap messages being generated from one TCP packet on port 162. |
IY47528 | Windows UNIX |
Interfaces with AD flag are not pingable from the NetView WEB Console. |
IY47701 | Windows UNIX |
Confusing netmon trace message: "Null address on all interfaces". |
IY47819 | Windows UNIX |
The ovtopmd daemon cores with a signal 11 on NetView V6.0.3 with the roll up fix. |
IY47892 | Windows UNIX |
The ovesmd daemon is making DNS requests on networks and network segments, unnecessarily degrading performance of the DNS server. |
IY48011 | UNIX |
The nvserverd daemon does not send events to TEC if it is stopped/restarted while the TEC server is down. |
IY48203 | Windows UNIX |
Don't add secondary interface to HSRP interface if its the same MAC address. |
IY48213 | Windows UNIX |
Routers containing 800 plus interfaces cannot be discovered without "locking up". |
IY48330 | UNIX |
The nvserverd daemon cores with signal 11 on ZLinux (390) if configured to send events to TEC. |
IY48379 | Windows UNIX |
The "ovstop nvsecd" command does not stop the tdw daemon (See Product Notes below to implement this correction). |
IY48447 | Windows |
Error in help message panel for object status for specific traps. |
IY48532 | UNIX |
The nvserverd daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48533 | UNIX |
The nvsecd daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48536 | UNIX |
The nvauth program cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48537 | UNIX |
The ovwdb daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48538 | UNIX |
The ovtopmd daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48539 | UNIX |
The nvcorrd daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48540 | UNIX |
The actionsvr daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48541 | UNIX |
The nvcold daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48542 | UNIX |
The trapd daemon cores with a buffer overflow. |
IY48698 | Windows UNIX |
Location containers are not appearing and being populated when a new map is created and opened. |
IY48831 | UNIX |
Netmon stops processing the MLM seed file if it is not able to resolve a hostname. |
IY49032 | UNIX |
On Solaris, Volume Group terminology in serversetup backup selective data does not apply and is confusing. The references to Volume Group terminology were removed from all platforms, except AIX. |
IY49090 | UNIX |
The order of the SNMP requests made during discovery needs to be modified to insure that the system MIB is queried first. |
IY49162 | UNIX |
The hover function on the WEB Console does not display the selection name. |
IY49405 | UNIX |
CNAT data is not migrated from earlier versions of NetView V7.1.x to NetView V7.1.3. |
IY49428 | Windows UNIX |
The nvdbformat application "TopM Interface List" is always prepended by a carriage return. |
IY49532 | Windows UNIX |
The nvdbformat application does not complete and gives incorrect output. |
IY49546 | UNIX |
The printtool application cores on Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 on Linux. |
IY49787 | UNIX |
NetView 7.1.3 ovw_binary core. |
IY49953 | UNIX |
The nvauth executable will core with a segmentation fault when bad data is given. |
IY49954 | UNIX |
An overflow condition occurs on the command line parameters of the nvauth executable. |
IY49955 | UNIX |
The nvauth executable cores when the password command line argument is longer than expected. |
IY49975 | UNIX |
The ipmap executable never ends synchronization and cores when GLOBAL ACKNOWLEDGE is enabled. |
IY49985 | UNIX |
The pmd daemon cores when its port is scanned by third party software. |
IY50013 | UNIX |
The nvlockd daemon cores when its port is scanned by third party software. |
IY50196 | Windows UNIX |
Request for additional alternative community names. |
IY50265 | UNIX |
The nvcorrd daemon cores when bad data is written to the nvcorrd socket. |
IY50265 | UNIX |
The actionsvr daemon cores when bad data is written to its socket. |
IY50394 | Windows UNIX |
The IPMAP application cores after migrating from NetView 7.1.2 to NetView 7.1.3. |
IY50461 | Windows UNIX |
Provide support in location.conf for wildcard IP Addresses for routers. |
IY50464 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon is discovering several devices and setting them as unmanaged even though configured to manage newly-discovered nodes. |
IY50523 | UNIX |
Remove outdated information regarding community string from the NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide (V7). |
IY50702 | Windows UNIX |
An ITSA-managed switch may not have the correct symbol status shown in ipmap. |
IY51002 | UNIX |
Correct command description "ATCTL V INFO" in Tivoli NetView for UNIX 7.1.3. Release Notes. |
IY51181 | UNIX |
In NetView 7.1.3 FP1, the right scrollbar becomes non-functional in the seed file editor. |
IY51316 | UNIX |
URLs used in NetView Web Console from a PC being terminated at the first "&" character. |
PJ28875 | Windows |
The nvsniffer daemon randomly hangs. |
PJ28933 | UNIX |
The online help for the SNMPV2 command is no longer valid for NetView V7.1 |
PJ28962 | Windows |
The trapd daemon hangs on invalid input to the trap port (162). |
PJ28984 | Windows |
The nvpage command will not send a page unless the -d flag is set on the nvpagerd daemon. |
PJ28992 | Windows UNIX |
The nvdbimport and nvdbformat applications do not work correctly after Fix Pack is installed. |
PJ29082 | Windows |
The nvsnmptrap application with empty AGENT-ADDR doesn't work as documented. |
PJ29093 | Windows UNIX |
Context menu 'selectionrule' broken when clicking between nodes on same subset with different capabilities. |
PJ29105 | Windows |
Customer is getting authentification traps even though the community string is correctly set. |
PJ29166 | Windows |
User-added connections are barely visible in NetView Web Console. |
PJ29167 | Windows |
100% CPU usage on NetView NT Kanji server when trap containing double-byte characters received from Kanji-based Solaris or Linux box. |
PJ29168 | Windows |
Traps messages with double-byte characters are not being translated into correct Japanese. |
PJ29170 | Windows |
The "Time Up" and "Time Down" data being displayed by the uptimer application is incorrect. |
PJ29185 | Windows |
The trapfrwd daemon fails when a large number of traps are to be forwarded. |
PJ29186 | Windows |
The trapd daemon cores due to bad data received from MS Trap Service. |
PJ29196 | Windows |
We need to better document the lack of SNMP V2 support in NetView for Windows. |
PJ29202 | Windows |
All Java servlet containers are vulnerable to cross-site tracing. |
PJ29256 | Windows |
The snmpcollect daemon defers collections for an hour for no apparent reason. |
PJ29257 | Windows |
Use of the delete key on objects does not correctly delete objects from submaps and object database. |
PJ29263 | Windows |
The netmon daemon crashes when a HP ETHERTWIST Hub is in the seed file. |
PJ29283 | Windows |
The trapfwd daemon exits when logging off NetView server. |
PJ29287 | Windows |
NetView V7.1.3 Fix Pack 1 fails to install correctly on native NetViewNT client. |
PJ29291 | Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon cores when new node discovery is turned on and hostnames are excluded in the seed file. |
PJ29321 | Windows |
The trapd daemon cores when traps containing null fields are placed into the ODBC. |
PJ29329 | Windows |
A link that is down and acknowledged remains the same color (dark green) when it is unacknowledged rather than turning red. |
PJ29332 | Windows UNIX |
Interface found after rest of router interfaces may have wrong mechanism used (SNMP vs ICMP) to ping it. |
PJ29342 | Windows |
NetView for Windows snmpcollect tracing grows huge even though tracing is turned off. |
PJ29351 | Windows |
Enterprise specific traps for snmpcollect not accurate nor detailed enough. |
PJ29368 | Windows |
Help screen for NetView 7.1.3 windows is not consistent with the actual panel. |
PJ29410 | Windows |
New dynamic menu items are grayed out. |
PJ29416 | Windows |
The hostname field is being left blank when forwarding events to TEC. |
PJ29421 | Windows UNIX |
The ovobjprint command is not displaying all information in large databases. |
PJ29460 | Windows |
Issue with icon selection name and label when netmon discovers a router whose first interface is not in DNS. |
PJ29481 | Windows |
Node status in SmartSet may be incorrect when node comes back up. |
The following customer-reported problems were fixed in IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 Fix Pack 1:
APAR # |
Platform |
Description |
IY17478 |
A customer reported that the sample program found in the /usr/OV/prg_samples/xmp/ems directory doesn't work: this turned out to be due to the use of a new compiler; the build process for the EMS library was modified to correct the problem. |
IY20189 |
When setting zoom on a background picture and then resizing the screen, only part of the picture is displayed, but no scroll bar is provided to see the rest of the picture. |
IY20298 |
Windows UNIX |
Customer reported that the online help implies that the wordlist/wordindex function is available in several ruleset nodes, but was only able to find it in the "event attribute" node. The wordlist/wordindex function was previously available on the "Event Attribute", "Event Threshold", "Pass-On-Match", and "Reset-On-Match" nodes, and has been added to the "Set Global Variable", "Query Global Variable", "Set Database Field", and "Query Database Field" nodes. |
IY27513 |
Windows UNIX |
Customer requested that the SNMP V2 MIB Browser application be able to view a draft MIB. The V2 MIB Browser was modified to display both the standard MIBs and other MIBs. |
IY27989 |
There are some circumstances where the reset-on-match block in a ruleset does not appear to work as expected. The manner in which a customer should expect to see this function work was documented, and the information has been added to the "Documentation" section of this readme file. |
IY29211 |
Windows UNIX |
When using the gtmd daemon, new objects are positioned correctly when using the NetView GUI on the server, but are not positioned correctly when viewed from the NetView GUI on a native client console. |
IY29427 |
The snmptrap application cores when loading the MIB database. This was the result of a timing issue, in which snmptrap attempted to read the MIB database at the same time the MIB loader is trying to write out a new database. This problem was resolved by setting up file locking to keep snmptrap from attempting to read the database at the time a new database is being written. |
IY29859 |
Windows UNIX |
The status of icons of non-IP submaps doesn't always match the color of the same submap minimized in the lower part of the screen (e.g. Navigation History). |
IY30214 |
Some routers are being discovered with incorrect interfaces that do not exist on the device. |
IY31008 |
Customer reported that the APM filter Throttle Setting fields "arm" and "unarm" have limits (256 bytes) that are not defined anywhere. A recommended documentation change is described in the "Documentation Changes" section below. |
IY31226 |
Windows UNIX |
The ipmap menu action "OpenSubMap" does not work. This action is not supported directly, so the action "SubMapOpen" was removed from the ipmap registration file. |
IY31370 |
The collection editor application has problems with hyphens in SmartSet names. This turned out to be due to the parsing mechanism used in the collection editor, and was corrected. |
IY32247 |
The MIBTable command returns an incomplete number of rows depending on the number of columns requested. |
IY32303 |
The document icon was incomplete for some NetView internal events. The trapd.conf was modified and will be available in all future releases. If customers wish to upgrade their current trapd.conf files, a new trapd.conf file can be found in /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN/trapd.conf, and the nvaddtrapdconf script found in /usr/OV/bin can be used to update their existing trapd.conf file. Please note, however, that nvaddtrapdconf will also update many traps to use the TEC_ITS_BASE event class for TEC and add new slot mappings, so users who have not done that migration yet should NOT use nvaddtrapdconf in this way. Instead, they will have to change their trapd.conf files manually using xnmtrap. |
IY32322 |
The nvcorrd daemon cores while issuing "nvcdebug -N" when a custom trap with a large amount of text in a trap variable is stored in a threshold node. This resulted in a buffer overrun building the label, which was corrected. |
IY32742 |
SmartSet data is not collected for nodes whose SmartSet selection name is not the primary hostname in DNS. |
IY32971 |
The snmpwalk application cores on Solaris in specific MIB-trees. |
IY32992 |
The netmon daemon cores due to netmon incorrectly trying to add an interface that has already been discovered and is simply in an "admin down" state. |
IY33087 |
Non-Global acknowledged objects not shown correctly in global-mode opened GUIs. |
IY33098 |
Windows UNIX |
Memory leaks reported in the nvcorrd daemon in the override and pass-on-match functions. A significant (200 byte) overlay was found and corrected in the override node code. |
IY33525 |
The netviewd daemon cores while running the NVHotBackUp command. |
IY33632 |
Linux |
The nvrsEdit application on Linux stops (window closes, no core written) when dragging a node outside the boundaries of the window. |
IY34042 |
Windows UNIX |
The ipmap application is not setting a label on an interface to the IP address as requested (user-preferred format) when interface is deleted and re-added. Code was added to check node type in these circumstances and call a different routine to get the correct label. |
IY34045 |
Windows UNIX |
When using more than five different rule sets with the web event browser, a warning popup appears that continues reappearing when the "OK" button is pressed. The code was modified to stop the thread when an error occurs. |
IY34057 |
Request for clarification on type of installation to use with NetView for UNIX V7.1 and higher. The statement has been placed in the "Product Notes" section of this document. |
IY34096 |
Starting the read-write map from the Tivoli Desktop results in read-only map if netviewd is running the read/write map. This was due to the command option used by the Tivoli Desktop to start the map being incorrect. The command option was modified to resolve the problem. |
IY34201 |
Hyphens are not allowed in the trapd log maintenance script name when providing it through the smit and setup interfaces. This was due to the parsing methods used, which assumed a hyphen would be used only to preface a command line option. The code was modified to remove this assumption. |
IY34202 |
Linux |
Placing a ruleset in the ESE.automation file and restarting actionsvr results in one instance of actionsvr running with more than 80% of the CPU. Neither the complexity of the ruleset nor the amount of traps on the system impacts the high CPU rate. |
IY34506 |
Windows UNIX |
Accessing the NetView and Jetty log files using a browser does not require (or ask for) a userid/password. Customer did use the default security realms. |
IY34602 |
Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon is hanging on spinning SNMP agents. |
IY34654 |
Cannot add a device to Linux versions of NetView with an IP address containing a zero as one of the octets (e.g. |
IY34683 |
Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon stops with a "Unable to synchronize node Layer 2" message. |
IY34852 |
NetView V7.1 is changing the permissions on the directories to 777 every time it is stopped/restarted, even though the permissions on the directories are adequate. The code was modified to set the permissions only on subdirectory creation. |
IY34900 |
After distributing security information from the security panel and rerunning nvsec_admin, the nvsecd daemon goes down and needs to be restarted. |
IY34906 |
Solaris |
The ovtopmd daemon and the collmap application fail with a signal 6 on Solaris. |
IY34993 |
Windows UNIX |
Release notes need to document requirements around the scope feature of the NetView Web Console. The information has been placed in the "Documentation Changes" section of this document. |
IY35035 |
Windows UNIX |
The xnmbrowser application sets the IP address variables incorrectly. |
IY35180 |
Windows UNIX |
Uncollapsed network must go through the location placement code. |
IY35183 |
Windows UNIX |
Managing a router can leave router interfaces unmanaged. |
IY35241 |
Windows UNIX |
ISDN Interfaces were mistakenly deleted during demandpoll. |
IY35575 |
Windows UNIX |
Unable to delete a location symbol copy. |
IY35761 |
The mib2trap baroc file still refers to Nvserverd_Event. A product note has been added below describing the resolution of this issue. |
IY35771 |
Windows UNIX |
The netmon daemon is not picking up the MAC address from ARP cache when interface is not on include list. |
IY35773 |
The addtrap command creates duplicate trap names when long trap names are truncated. |
IY35869 |
Solaris |
The rectrap application cores on Solaris when Enterprise Name is null. |
IY35928 |
The trapd daemon is dropping the last two octets from the enterprise when receiving a SNMP V2 trap. |
IY36026 |
Windows UNIX |
The ovwdb daemon is leaking 100 Mb of memory daily. |
IY36041 |
The ovwdb cache overflow is being incorrectly calculated, resulting in a performance hit in the ovwdb daemon. |
IY36055 |
Map compression via "nvTurboDatabase speed" corrupts portions of the NetView database. |
IY36080 |
Solaris |
The nvsec_admin command cores on Solaris. This was due to a null pointer being encountered when a directory does not exist. |
IY36089 |
Windows UNIX |
The nvdbformat command cores on AIX. |
IY36139 |
The command "ovw -copymap NewMapName" only produces an error message that the command requires a valid map name |
IY36408 |
Solaris |
The nvserverd daemon cores on startup on Solaris 8. |
IY36660 |
Windows UNIX |
Initial discovery creates incomplete unnumbered link interfaces (Selection Name "Interface:0"). |
IY36849 |
The actionsvr daemon has problems with double quotes in trap variables if additionallegaltrapcharacters is set to disable. |
IY36954 |
Creating a SmartSet using IP Status = Normal on a large Database (90K+) will cause ovw_binary to core. |
IY37017 |
Windows UNIX |
The nvdbimport command cores when a field has a value greater than 256 bytes. |
IY37033 |
Windows UNIX |
Manage Objects menu item is grayed out for interfaces. |
IY37208 |
The snmpCollect daemon doesn't start if a value of "0,000000" exists in the snmpcol.conf file. |
IY37272 |
The NetView Web Console lost connection while showing a large SmartSet. This was due to the code not having time to perform garbage collection on a local reference and resulted in a memory leak. Code was added to insure the local reference will be properly deleted. |
IY37316 |
Windows UNIX |
Change to propagation of Unreachable status (from ignore to Propagate Marginal) undesirable in some instances. To allow customers a choice in the method used to propagate the Unreachable status, an environment variable was added that users could set to tell ovw to revert back to the original propagation rule (ignore). For more information, see the "Product Notes" section below. |
IY37339 |
SmartSet use in SNMP configuration causes tremendous performance hit in netmon daemon fixups. |
IY37526 |
An invalid selection Name was encountered when using loadhosts. To correct this, a unique ID will be added behind the selection name of node when adding the node by using loadhosts. |
IY37534 |
SmartSet error in NetView for AIX 7.1.3. |
IY37680 |
Solaris |
The mgragentd daemon on Solaris is spawning a process that becomes defunct and is not picked up and cleaned out. The code surrounding the SIGCLD signal was modified to correctly handle this situation. Additional steps may be taken by Solaris users to insure this doesn't happen; see the section regarding the /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc file in the "Product Notes" section below. |
IY37763 |
Setting history file in ksh environment can cause NetView installation to fail. A note has been added in the Product Notes section below. |
IY37770 |
NetView assigns only either DNS names or IP addresses to TEC slots. A note has been added to the Product Notes section below for this APAR. |
PJ28115 |
Windows |
Customer is getting NetViewNT objects that become managed/unmanaged or unmanaged/managed at random. |
PJ28717 |
Closing submap with snapshot open stops the submap from being re-displayed, and results in an error that the map is already open. |
PJ28735 |
The /usr/OV/registration/C/NetViewWebApp.reg file is appending a slash to the URL passed to this process, which causes the command to fail. |
PJ28749 |
Operator can access xnmloadmib even though the option "XNMLoadMIB Application" has been deselected. |
PJ28835 |
Windows UNIX |
An ipmap core (Dr. Watson) when trying to start the map. |
PJ28852 |
Solaris |
SMConvert process fails on Solaris if it tries to process more than 256 files. |
PJ28858 |
Windows |
TECConfig.bat hangs at the smartsetutil command. |
PJ28859 |
Windows |
NetView For Windows User's Guide should state that nvauth needs to be run to use the shift-in/out option. |
PJ28919 |
Windows |
NetViewNT creates multiple service icons on the map after a remote node's name changes. |
In order to install IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 Fix Pack 4 on a system, you must meet the following prerequisites:
You must download the appropriate package for that platform and make it available to the system on which it is to be installed.
You must be logged into the system with the same user account that performed the original NetView V7.1.3 installation (the root account on UNIX).
The system must already contain an IBM Tivoli NetView Version 7.1.3 installation.
The system on which the Fix Pack is to be installed must have enough free space to do the following
Customer installations that contain a previous IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 Fix Pack may recover most of the space used by that Fix Pack by deleting the /usr/OV/service/V713/Fix PackX directory on UNIX, or the \usr\ov\service\v713\Fix PackX directory on Windows prior to installing this Fix Pack. Please note, however, that doing so removes the ability to back out the previous Fix Pack, as well as the ability to install code fixes that require the previous Fix Pack in order to install.
The table below describes the amount of space required on each platform for each of the space requirements described above.
Operating System |
Space Required for Installation1 |
Space Required for Upgraded Product2 |
RS6000 AIX |
380 Mb |
235 Mb |
SunOS Solaris |
330 Mb |
215 Mb |
Linux Intel |
345 Mb |
220 Mb |
Linux 390 |
400 Mb |
240 Mb |
Windows |
95 Mb |
55 Mb |
1This space is required in whatever location the user will be placing the Fix Pack installation package. 2This space is required in /usr/OV on UNIX or in \usr\ov on Windows. |
Most of the space required to contain the Fix Pack contents in /usr/OV or \usr\ov (the space described in the second column) can be returned to the system by deleting the contents of the /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack4 (on UNIX) or \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack4 (on Windows) directory. However, doing so removes the ability to back out the Fix Pack. Do not delete the FixPack4 subdirectory itself; this subdirectory must exist in order to install fixes that have this Fix Pack as a prerequisite.
To perform the actual installation of the package, perform the following steps:
Based upon whether the Web Console has been customized, users of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol either need to:
Note: This applies to users who have not customized the Web Console.
Note: This applies to users who have customized the Web Console.
If you are installing the Fix Pack on a NetView for UNIX client, ensure that the client is disconnected from the NetView Server by completing the following:
Open a new window, copy the package into a local subdirectory on the operating system on which the Fix Pack is to be installed, and change directory to that subdirectory.
Prior to copying the package, ensure that the space available in this subdirectory is larger than the space required for installation of the IBM Tivoli NetView 7.1.3 Fix Pack 04 on this operating system.
Extract the installation script by doing one of the following:
Execute the installation script:
In the event that you encounter any other errors during the installation (regardless if the installation process itself reports success), complete the following:
Restart the NetView daemons by either rebooting the computer, using the netview command, executing the netnmrc script on UNIX, or clicking on the NetView icon on Windows.
If the NetView installation is using a SQL database on Windows, restart the SQL server before you restart the NetView daemons.
Reinstall any NetView Web Console installations from the upgraded native NetView Server installation. This can be downloaded from the following URL after the NetView server has been upgraded:
For the Web Console on Windows, the following files contain the Fix Pack 04 updates. Either one can be used. (thin Web Console for Windows) nvwcinstall.exe (self extracting installation)
For the Web Console on UNIX, the following file contains the Fix Pack 04 updates:
nvwc_thin.tar (thin Web Console for Unix)
Please note that when upgrading a NetView Web Console from a NetView 7.1.3 Fix Pack 04 UNIX server, the thin version of the NetView Web Console package should be used. The full version of the NetView Web Console does not contain the Fix Pack updates. After the Fix Pack has been installed on a NetView server, the thin package must be applied on top of the full package whenever the full package is installed.
As a part of the Fix Pack installation, a copy of each file that is replaced during the installation is saved in the /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack4 on UNIX or the \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack4 on Windows subdirectory. If you want, you may uninstall the Fix Pack by running the backout script contained in that directory in place of steps 3-5 of the installation instructions above, and the system will return to the state that it was in prior to the Fix Pack installation.
Note: The backout script must be run from the \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack4 Windows subdirectory.
Any NetView fixes installed on the system after the Fix Pack is installed must be backed out prior to backing out the Fix Pack.
IBM Tivoli NetView 7.1.3 is not compatible with Microsoft Remote Terminal Services. If Remote Terminal Services is used to install or execute NetView, NetView will not function correctly, and the NetView database will become corrupted.
When a new object (for example an interface, network, segment, or node) belonging to a SmartSet is discovered while the SmartSet is open on the NetView console, the new object is displayed with a generic computer symbol. Closing the SmartSet and reopening it displays the proper symbol.
UNIX customers who use the Web Console with a large NetView database, should:
Manipulation of the Korn shell history file from a .kshrc file is not recommended. Several of the installation mechanisms used by NetView expect the standard history file to be set; if it is not, the prerequisite checking and the actual NetView installation will fail.
Some customers have encountered difficulties when using the stand-alone NetView V7 installation on a system that has the Tivoli Framework installed in a customized location. To avoid these difficulties, it is recommended that if you want to retain the Framework in their environment, you should install NetView V7.0 via the standard Tivoli Framework installation. If the Framework was installed only to support NetView and is no longer desired, then you should complete the following:
When you attempt to run nvColToSQL you may get the following error message:
Database Server is not present or not enough disk space for log files, temp files and rollback segment or table does not exists in the databaseThis message can occur if there are too many snmpCollect files to process (usually more than 500). If you get this message, you can use the following script to process the files. This script processes each file one at a time and saves the output to the log file.
#!/bin/sh LOG=/usr/OV/log/nvColToSQL.log date > $LOG # CREATE NEW LOG EACH TIME # Loop all files that do not have ! or archive in name for file in `ls /usr/OV/databases/snmpCollect | grep -v "\!" | grep -v "archive"` donvColToSQL -f $file -m 64 >> $LOG 2>> $LOG RC=$? echo "* FILE <$file> Return Code <$RC>" >> $LOGdone
The help for SNMPV2 command on NetView for Windows V7.1, found by opening the Help menu item, selecting Help Topics, selecting the Find tab, entering snmp, selecting SNMPV2 from the list, and selecting Tools -> MIB -> SNMPV2 -> Load Command is no longer valid and should be ignored.
At this time, NetView for Windows does not support SNMP V2 traps.
Due to a quirk in the Linux operating system and the formatting of the NetView for UNIX man pages, the man pages do not display properly on Linux systems unless the Linux terminal window is greater than 80 characters long. To correct the formatting, enlarge the terminal window by using your mouse to drag the right border of the window farther to the right. Any man commands executed after this is done will be correctly displayed.
In NetView for Windows, admin down interfaces (status USER1) can incorrectly change to a critical status when the interface is unmanaged and then managed again due to netmon's use of the ICMP ping. The admin down status of the interface won't be picked up again until next Config Check or demand poll. To prevent the admin down interfaces from being reported as critical in this situation, configure the router with the admin down interfaces to use SnmpStatus poll instead of ICMP poll in the netmon seed file.
On Tivoli NetView for Windows on Windows 2003, attempting to send a message to a client or server (Server Setup -> Client/Server -> Send Message tab) may result in a popup with a "NO MESSAGE" error. This may be due to the Windows Messenger service not being enabled; the default is to leave the service disabled after installation on Windows 2003. To enable the Messenger Service, complete the following:
When a SmartSet submap is opened in Tivoli NetView for UNIX, collmap overrides any user-customized labels for generic symbols with the selection name for the object. A workaround is to configure and use a nongeneric symbol for the object.
On some Linux platforms, the operating system may not properly shut down some of the threads of the Tivoli NetView for UNIX Java daemons, occasionally resulting in problems restarting the NetView daemons. A "force" option has been added to the nvKill command to shut down all rogue NetView daemons and threads and clear out the sockets, allowing the daemons to be restarted properly if this situation arises. If the NetView daemons appear to be hung (the restart has lasted longer than 10 minutes), type this command
at a command prompt, and then use the netnmrc or the netview command to restart the daemons in the normal manner.
If a NetView for Windows installation was migrated from a previous version, then the NetView.exe executable will lock up when using "Find by Other Properties" under the simple tab of the find dialog due to the file /usr/ov/conf/c/finddialog.conf having a <CR><LF> changed to just a <CR>.
To fix the problem, load the finddialog.conf file into the Windows Wordpad program and then save the file. Wordpad will change a <CR> to <CR><LF>. Note: The Windows Notepad program does not work.
When installing and backing out the NetView for 7.1.3 Fix Pack 3 on an installation of NetView with the Japanese language pack on a Solaris system, the NetView GUI has failed to start with an error message of "Error retrieving mapdb field info: Null field value". To recover from this error when it occurs, perform the following steps:
The Windows and AIX Web Consoles do not connect to a Solaris NetView Server when double-byte characters are used in the user ID. However, a Solaris 8 web console can connect to a Solaris NetView server when double-byte characters are used in the user ID.
When using the Japanese language pack, the default value of a map snapshot name (for example "Snapshot 1"), when used, is not displayed in the snapshot menu of the Server Setup Window. The created snapshot is displayed when you select File -> Map Snapshot -> Open. It can also be viewed when the ovmapsnap CLI command is used.
IBM Tivoli NetView for Windows users should implement the new ruleset,, instead of the broken ruleset, The broken ruleset will put the correlation daemon into a loop, continually sending bogus status change events to the trapd daemon, until both it and the TEC adapter daemon are overwhelmed. This ruleset will be removed from the product in a future release, but it cannot be removed in a maintenance release.
Note: Once the Fix Pack has been installed, a user can refer to the new \usr\ov\doc\Rulesets_on_Windows.readme for more information on rulesets.
IBM Tivoli NetView for users implementing complex SmartSets sometimes end up having the wrong objects in the Smartset (particularly when using !(IN_COLLECTION collectionName) on the right side of && in the right side of an ||). However, if the user rearranges the logic for the SmartSet, they can create a SmartSet with the correct results.
Example:nvUtil e "(isMLM=TRUE || ((isNode=TRUE) && \ (isIP=TRUE) && ('IP Status'!=Unmanaged) && \ (!(IN_COLLECTION Routers)) && \ (!(IN_COLLECTION CiscoDevices)) && \ (!(IN_COLLECTION NetViews))))"Rearrangement of the rule as follows seems to fix the problem:nvUtil e "(isMLM=TRUE || ( (!(IN_COLLECTION Routers)) && \ (!(IN_COLLECTION CiscoDevices)) && \ (!(IN_COLLECTION NetViews)) && \ (isNode=TRUE) && \ (isIP=TRUE) && \ ('IP Status'!=Unmanaged) ) )"
The fix to PJ29416 replaces the binaries, \usr\ov\bin\tecad_nv6k_non_tme.exe and \usr\ov\bin\tecad_nv6k_tme.exe, but it does not alter the Windows TEC adapter daemon that the user is running, \usr\ov\bin\tecad_nv6k.exe. This binary is a copy of one of the two which are shipped. Users who wish to pick up this fix must either re-run the tecconfig.bat configurator to copy the appropriate shipped binary to tecad_nv6k.exe, or do this themselves manually.
When connecting to the NetView Server share from a native NetView Client on Windows, the drive must be mapped to the hostname rather than the IP address, i.e.
rather than
This limitation is due to netbios requirements in Windows.
Note to be added to future versions of the IBM Tivoli NetView Release Notes:
In addition to requiring the default map open (with the name "default"), the Scope feature of the NetView Web Console requires that this map be open in read/write mode. Customers can configure web accounts to effectively view "read-only" maps by just removing the manage/unmanage and acknowledge/unacknowledge actions from the role their account is configured for. Although users using such an account would really be viewing a read-write map, they would not be able to modify the map in any way and therefore it would effectively be read-only.
In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Release Notes, Version 7.1.4, "Supported Operating Systems," page 24, there should be a note under AIX 5.2 operating system that states that the 64-bit operating system is not currently supported because it has not been tested.
In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Release Notes, Version 7.1.4, "Product Notes," page 49, the paragraph beginning with "The Tivoli NetView for UNIX product running on the AIX Version 5.2 operating system" is incorrect. It should read as follows:
The Tivoli NetView for UNIX product running on the AIX Version 5.2 operating system only supports the snmpdv1 version of the SNMP daemon. If the 64-bit operating system is being used, then the following procedure changes to snmpd64v1 and not snmpdv1, which is what is supported. snmpdv1 and snmpd64v1 are both SNMPv1 agents. It is impossible for snmpdv1 to run on the 64-bit kernel instead of snmpd64v1. Use the following procedure to determine which version of the daemon is running on your system and change the SNMP daemon version.
The IBM Tivoli NetView Release Notes for NetView V7.1.3 and V7.1.4, Linux Software Prerequisites section, mistakenly refers to pdksh-5.2.14-248.s390.rpm as the package to use from the NetView for Linux 390 CD.
However, the RPM shipped on the CD is really pdksh-5.2.14-197.s390.rpm, and the release notes should reflect this.
In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Release Notes Version 7.1.4, the command given on page 8 to confirm that the Tivoli NetView AutoTrace function is stopped is incorrect:
/usr/OV/bin/atctl v infoThe command should be:
/usr/OV/bin/atctl -v info
In order to start the IBM Tivoli NetView GUI over a remote connection using Secure Socket Shell (SSH), you must set the SSH option, X11UseLocalhost to no.
In order to use the Shift-In/Shift-Out mechanism, you need to run nvauth first.
Note on specifying time values to be added to the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide, Chapter 5, "Correlating, Filtering, and Configuring Events", under "Types of Ruleset Nodes":
When an event is first pulled from the event stream, it is given a time stamp to be used in determining its eligibility for processing in time-critical operations within a ruleset, such as Pass-on-Match, Reset-on-Match, or Threshold operations. This time stamp on the event remains unchanged during all subsequent processing. Determinations as to whether an event should be held or discarded are made, therefore, based upon the time that the event was received. This makes all subsequent time comparisons after the first one cumulative. Should you wish to add two time-critical operations back-to-back, you must allow for this cumulative time. Thus, for example, should you wish to code two Reset-on-Match nodes, back-to-back, within the same ruleset, and have the first one hold the event for two minutes and the second one hold it for an additional minute, then you must specify a two-minute time value in the first Reset node, but a three-minute time value in the second one, to allow for the two minutes which have already expired before the event passes to the second Reset-on-Match node. Failure to allow for this will result in unintended results, typically with events not being held as long as you intended.
In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide, Chapter 5, under "Environment Variables for Trap Data", the information given in the first product note below regarding the exported varbinds "NVSEV", "NVSRC", and "NVCAT" should be included.
In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Version 7 Administrator's Guide, the following line near the bottom of page 164 is no longer true and needs to be removed:
When the node name does not resolve to an IP address, the community name public is used to send the SNMP request.
The IBM Tivoli NetView Web Console User's Guide needs to include the system requirements for Microsoft Internet Explorer for those customers who wish to run the NetView Web Console on a system using that browser. Minimum requirements are a 450 MHz machine with 256 MB of RAM. For a production system, the recommendation is 800 MHz with at least 256 MB.
The rest of the note on page 34 is correct.
- To be able to successfully install the NetView ETLs in a Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse environment which is distributed across more than one machine, the machines where the TWH_CDW and TWH_MART databases exist must also have the corresponding TEDW components installed:
- "Central Data Warehouse" component must be installed on the server containing the TWH_CDW database.
- "Data mart" component must be installed on the server containing the TWH_MART database.
The description of the Thresh command "-T" option in the NetView for Windows Programmer's Reference Manual is not entirely correct. For the "-T" option it states:
Specifies the NetView enterprise-specific trap to be sent when the threshold is exceeded. This threshold must be an odd value in the range of 1001 to 1999, or the default value of 58720263.The statement should be changed to:
Specifies the NetView enterprise-specific trap to be sent when the threshold is met. This trap number must be an odd value in the range of 1001 to 1999, or the default value of 58720263.
The current online help for the "Send Trap Number" field when defining a MIB from which to collect data in NetView for Windows is incomplete and needs to be expanded upon. The following line should be added to the help information:
Specifies the trap number that is to be sent when the collected data meets the value in the Threshold field. This trap number must be an odd value between 1001 to 1999, or the default value of 58720263.This help can be invoked by completing the following:
The help panel for "Agent Policy Manager Filter Panel" Throttle Settings should be updated to include the 256 byte length limitation in the Armed and Disarmed commands:
8. Click Throttle Settings to specify the number of matching traps that are sent to the top-level manager. These values are used only if the Action field is set to throttle Traps. The Armed Command and Disarmed Command fields have a length limitation of 256 bytes.
If you have a problem with any Tivoli product, refer to the following IBM Software Support Web site:
If you want to contact software support, see the IBM Software Support Guide at the following Web site:
The guide provides information about how to contact IBM Software Support, depending on the severity of your problem, and the following information:
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM might not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service might be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the users responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A.
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM World Trade Asia Corporation
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