IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery - SysBack README.txt Version 5, Release 6, Modification 1, Fix 0 ( Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5968-SYS December 19, 2003 ======================================================================= This README is divided into the following sections: 1. $REQ: Hardware & Software Requirements 2. $INST: Installing the Product & Accessing the Online Documentation 3. $LIC: How to License Your Systems to Use SysBack 4. $TRY: Information on Try and Buy Versions 5. $NEW: Features Added in this Level 6. $KNOW: Known Issues / Limitations 7. $DOC: Documentation Updates 8. $INFO: How to Obtain Assistance / Information ======================================================================= $REQ: Hardware & Software Requirements ---------------------- Hardware Requirements SysBack supports the following hardware: o IBM eserver pSeries and RS/6000 systems, including RS/6000 SP environments, and systems capable of the logical partitioning of AIX. o eserver pSeries Cluster 1600 systems using the PSSP option Software Requirements The following software is required to use SysBack: o AIX V4.3.0 or later, AIX 5L V5.1, or V5.2 o If you will be using the TSM Integration feature, you will also need: o A previously configured TSM server must be at level 5.1.5 or higher. o The 32-bit TSM API client must be installed and at level 5.1.5 or higher o The TSM node name used for SysBack backups must be registered on the TSM server and configured to use the passwordaccess generate option. Note: This feature is not available in SysBack versions less than 5.6. o The bos.sysmgt.sysbr fileset. o If you will be using the Remote Services functions of SysBack, install the following: o o o If you will be using the Classic Network Boot functions for the Network Installs, install o If you will be using the NIM Resource Network Boot functions for Network Installs, the NIM environment and resources must first be installed and configured in the desired locations for SysBack to use these resources. o If you will be using SysBack on SP or Cluster 1600 systems, you must be using PSSP level 3.4 or 3.5. Note: At this time, SysBack does not include support for eserver pSeries Cluster1600 systems using the CSM option available in AIX 5.2. o When AIX is installed, the following are installed automatically with the system and may not be removed in order for SysBack to function properly: o bos.rte.bosinst o bos.rte.archive o bos.rte.libnetsvc (for Network Install functions) o If you will be using the CD / DVD backup feature, please refer to Chapter 5, “Backups to CD or DVD” on page 5-1 in the User's and Reference Guide for additional requirements specific to this feature. ====================================================================== $INST: Installing the Product and Accessing the Online Documentation ---------------------- ********************** Installing the Product ********************** SEE NOTEs BELOW BEFORE INSTALLATION IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY USING VERSION 5.6.0. 1. Insert the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery Installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Type the AIX command: smitty install. 3. From the Software Installation and Maintenance menu, select Install and Update Software option. 4. Select the Install and Update from the LATEST Available Software option. 5. At the INPUT device/directory for software prompt, type the device name of the CD-ROM drive. For example, /dev/cd0. 6. Highlight Software to Install and press F4. Then, individually, select the filesets that you wish to install. The available options are: tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte -- Base code tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.license.rte -- License module tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.license.cert -- License File NOTE: If you have downloaded SysBack 5.6.1 to apply to and existing 5.6.0 installation, you will not be updating the License file or License module filesets. If you would like to update your license filesets also, you must obtain a refreshed installation image via CD or by downloading it via the Passport Advantage website using your user id. The product will function properly with the license filesets at version 5.6.0 and the run time fileset at 5.6.1. 7. Press Enter to confirm selections and install the software. As the latest fixes for this product are released, they are available from: or Note: To install from an image that resides on your disk rather than from a CD-ROM, simply substitute the directory path and image name for the CD-ROM drive name. Also, before following the above instructions, you will need to issue the command: inutoc /your_directory_path to build the .toc file that SMIT uses. Or, you may simply issue the command: installp -acqd /your_dir_path/image_name all to install the product fielsets. ********************************* Special Note for Customers Upgrading from System Backup and Recovery for AIX - SysBack 5.4 & 5.5. ********************************* There is no need to uninstall SysBack Version 5.1.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.x, or 5.4.x or 5.5.x before upgrading to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery Version 5.6. The installation process for ITSM for System Backup and Recovery will preserve any previous configurations, as well as, to automatically make the sysback.rte and sysback.html.en_US filesets obsolete. The sysback.html.en_US is no longer a part of this package. ********************************* Special Note for Customers Upgrading from System Backup and Recovery for AIX - SysBack 5.6.0 ********************************* When deploying SysBack 5.6 in your environment, understand that when machines execute remote SysBack operations with each other, all machines must be at the same level of code. For example: 5.6.0 machines may only execute remote SysBack operations with other 5.6.0 machines. Machines with 5.6.1 (or later) installed, may only perform remote SysBack operations with other machines using 5.6.1 (or later). Remote SysBack operations include, but are not limited to: network backups, network restores, network boot, and network installation. ****************** Documentation ****************** IBM posts publications for this and all other Tivoli products, as they become available and whenever they are updated, to the Tivoli Information Center Web site. You can access updated publications in the Tivoli Information Center from the following Customer Support for Tivoli products Web site: The product's User and Reference Guide is also located on this installation media in PDF format. ====================================================================== $LIC: How to License Your Systems to Use SysBack ---------------------- In order to license your version of SysBack, you must install the tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.license.rte -- License module tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.license.cert -- License File filesets included on your product media. On AIX 5.1 systems you will be prompted to "accept" the Electronic License Agreement. Indicating a 'NO' response will prohibit the installation of these filesets and the product will remain un-licensed. On AIX 4.3 systems, you will not be prompted to "accept" an electronic license agreement. Rather, the installation of these filesets licenses your product. ====================================================================== $TRY: Information on Try and Buy Versions ---------------------- Try and Buy versions of SysBack allow for 60 days of use from the date of installation. After the 60 day period, you will receive the message: "Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery Try and Buy software has expired." and then the attempted function will cease. ====================================================================== $NEW: Features Added in this Level ---------------------- 5.6.1 o Enabled for non-English languages, including DBCS and BiDi languages. o New option added to all backup types that allows you to specify the directory name that SysBack should use to create its temporary work files. (-w) o New option added to all backup types that allows you to specify a filelist name that SysBack should use to determine which files to backup. This is optional. However, this option is required in order to specify the backup any file, directory, filesystem, or logical volume name that contains a space ( ) in the path or name. (-c) o Pull backup support added for backups to CD and DVD. o Ability to recreate filesystem mount point permissions when recreating the LVM structure of a filesystem. Previously, it was required to restore data into the filesystem in order to restore the mount point permissions. o Firewall support added. Specify to SysBack which ports should be uitilzed to communicate with other SysBack hosts. Please refer to the Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery Installation and User's Guide: Version 5 Release 6.1 for detailed explanations of these new features. o Support for AIX 5.2 o Support for PSSP 3.5 o Backup, Restore, and Installation from a TSM Server. ====================================================================== $FIX: Issues Fixed in this Level ---------------------- The following items have been corrected in this release of the product. APARs are decribed in detail on the SysBack support website. IC36293 DOC: Installing SysBack into a NIM Spot (sbspotcust). -F Flag incorrectly documented. IC36679 SYSBACK does not properly remove files in the filesystem when performing a level 0 restore IC37525 SYSBACK sb_nimspotcust fast path fails IC36468 SYSBACK Exclude list entries with wildcards do not work as documented. IC36513 SYSBACK fails to create / manage more than 10 scheduled backups IC03657 SYSBACK device / backup ID select screen doesnt indicate selection when only one choice exists IC36563 SYSBACK unable to install system from backup image stored in a TSM server when Object ID > 9 characters IC36564 SYSBACK Changing TSM Connection settings from the TSMDEC isntall device causes the menu / install to hang IC36327 DOC: Miscellaneous corrections to manual IC36744 SYSBACK fails to create larger than 13MB RAMFS on network boot IC37310 SYSBACK gives misleading error if remote system is unable to verify license IC37425 SYSBACK fails to create NIM resource network boot image on AIX 5.2 IC37425 SYSBACK multi-volume backup to remote CD or DVD fails IC37547 DOC: sbdefaults command needs documented in Appendix A. of the manual IC37659 Problem installing SysBack into NIM spot with sbspotcust IC37657 SYSBACK always restore 64-bit kernel on 64-bit hardware IC37863 SYSBACK Bootable CD / DVD does not have support for Atape devices IC38097 SYSBACK Multi-volume CD / DVD SysBack backup image uses default location for 2nd CDIMAGE file IC38337 SYSBACK creates CD_IMAGE filesystem equivalent to the backup size instead of the CD / DVD size Internally detected defects: o DOC: Discrepancy in Utilities menu for logging between SMIT and Doc o sb_cfgtsmserver can not be executed due to 1800-190 error in SMIT o mkdirback on PULL mode fails with sbserver:access not permited o Recreate volume does not start with Edit option in SMIT o DOC: Incorrect page reference for No-prompt installation o SMIT freezed by cancelling "remote server: on AIX 5.2 o Program/E-mail for EOT description reversed o DOC: Document format of the device name for sbtsm o chexcludelist failed with "wildcard not found" o DOC: Specify limitations of network parameters for the chinstclient command. The following items have been corrected in this release of the product. 1) Env: AIX 4.3.3 sysback.rte and will also effect tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte Problem: The following command is run: # sbom_backup -c 3 -v -x sbom_lvbackup evg007 evg006 evg005 evg004 evg003 evg002 evg001 1> /tmp/trial/sysback-errs.txt 2>&1 The following errors are displayed: Usage: basename String [Suffix] Cannot retrieve lvserial_id attribute for -Socnt /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[15]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[26]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[38]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. Usage: basename String [Suffix] Cannot retrieve lvserial_id attribute for -Socnt /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[15]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[26]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. /usr/sbin/sbom_backup[38]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command. Usage: basename String [Suffix] Everything was taken Offline and backed up correctly, but the errors had the customer very concerned. Action Taken: There is a small cosmetic defect within the sbom_backup in the function check_jfslog. Under certain conditions the above error messages will display. The messages will not affect the Offline process nor the backup and everything will function correctly. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2) Env: AIX 5.1 sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: When preforming a network boot, the cusotmer is getting this error message against some of his hdisks Unable to make hdisk0 a physical volume. Install 5.4.1 of sysback.rte or tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.6 and remake the network boot image and reboot and install again. ------------------------------------------------------ 3) Env: AIX 4.3+ sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: The customer is trying to make a backup to disk using the user and host restricion options and is getting a usage error from sbwrite. ---------------------------------------------------- 4) Env: AIX 4.3 sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: The filelist stored at the header of a backup image displays (permission and sizes) incorrectly. -------------------------------------------------- 5) Env: AIX 5.1 sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: On volume group and full system backups, sysback is not maintaining and property storing the big volume attribute for a volume group. -------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Env: AIX 5.1 sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: When a customer tries to use the edit offline mirror backup and or sysback scripts, they will get a exec format error and can't edit the scripts. They could edit the scripts outside of the sysback code using their own editor (ie vi emacs pico...) --------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Env: AIX 4.3+ sysback.rte 5.4.0.x tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte.5.5 Problem: When the customer boots off of a sysback created cd/dvd they will see odmget not found error messages They can restore from the cd/dvd that they booted from, but can't install from any other device, like a tape drive or from the network as non of the devices show up in the install device menu If you can't remake the cd/dvd with the new fix install below is a workaround to fix the defect 1. Boot from the cd/dvd You will see the odmget error messages appear on the screen 2. Once you get to the "Installation & Maintenance" Main Menu Choose "Utilities Menu" 3. Choose "Start a Maintenance Shell" 4. mount -rvcdrfs /dev/cd0 /SPOT 5. cd /SPOT/usr/bin 6. cp odmget /usr/bin 6.1 cp hostname /usr/bin 7. cd / 8. sync;sync;sync 9. umount /dev/cd0 10. exit -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Env: AIX 4.3+ sysback tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: When building a sysback cd/dvd using the mksbcd and setting it to be a no prompt install, you will receive the following error message: WARNING the INSTPROG file in the / file could not be found or is not executable. Action: The cd/dvd will boot and install fine, but won't be no prompt installed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Env: AIX 4.3+ sysback tivoli.tsm.client.sysback.rte 5.5 Problem: When booting from a different maintenace level boot image, than the image you are installing from there is a chance you will hang on led 554, when booting up to normal mode after the install is completed. ====================================================================== $KNOW: Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------- *The below information describes known issues and limitations at the time of this release. ********************************************************************* Functional Differences and Limitations in DBCS and BiDi Environments ********************************************************************* There can be notable functional differences and limitations in MBCS environments. Please refer to Appendix B. Functional Requirements & Limitations for DBCS and BiDi Environments in the Installation and User's Guide for a detailed listing of impacted functionality. ********************************************************************* NOTE ABOUT CONFIGURING A NO PROMPT INSTALL FOR TAPE, CD, AND DVD BOOT ********************************************************************* Please be aware that you must configure the "Tape Boot Defaults" or "CD / DVD Boot Defaults" prior to initiating a backup. Many customers use the "Boot Defaults" to configure "No Prompt" installations. When the boot defaults are configured, the information is stored into a control file in rootvg. During a full system backup, SysBack captures that file to be used during the boot process. If this file is not present at the time of the backup, the defaults that were configured will not be used at boot time. If you have previously created a backup image without pre-configuring the boot defaults, you may create "boot only" media that contains them. You could not perform a "No Prompt" installation in this manner. However, you could set any of the other boot defaults. This process would be: 1) Configure the boot defaults 2) Create boot only media: tape, CD, DVD 3) Boot the system from the boot only media 4) Exchange the boot media with the backup media 5) Begin the install You do not have to configure "Network Install Defaults" before a backup image is created. The network install default information is stored in a file that is located in the filesystem that the product mounts to aid in a network boot. Therefore, the network install defaults may be configured at any time prior to initiating the network boot process. ********************************************************************* Transfer Count May Exceed Final Size Count In the Backup Indicator ********************************************************************* An "estimated progress" inidicator appears after many backup and restore operations. The counter displays %Complete, Elapsed Time, and Megabytes. Sometimes the Megabytes counter will exceed the estimated count when the backup is started or as the backup progresses. For example, Megabytes counter displays '809' though the final target counter is '724'. Fluctuations in %Complete and Elapsed Time may occur as well. The SysBack status inidicators are implemented as a reference only. They will continually update as the process progresses. As the data transfer speed changes due to fluctuations in the network, system restource, or output device speeds, the indicator will adjust. The indicator is not necessarily an exact estimation of the overall process. The difference in statistics can occur normally and should not be considered definitive. ********************************************************************* Systems May not Boot from Backup When Kernel Greater than 12MB - AIX Limitation to Monitor ********************************************************************* The document link below describes a system boot and recovery limitation in the system firmware and AIX that impacts SysBack. Please read this entire document before implementing any of its suggestions. ********************************************************************* SysBack Incremental Backups to a TSM Server ********************************************************************* If you are using SysBack's incremental backup function, and the destination is a TSM server, you must ensure that you have an adequate number of versions exist specified to avoid inadvertantly expiring off members of a full incremental backup set. Currently, there is no tracking that ties an individual incremental backup to the rest of the incremental backups in a series. For example, if you specify to keep 3 backups versions in your TSM copy group, but do a level 0 backup, and then level 4 backups every friday, by the end of the month your level 0 will have been versioned off by TSM. ********************************************************************* Using System Backup and Recovery - SysBack with Tivoli Storage Manager's HSM File systems ********************************************************************* You must exlcude TSM HSM managed file systems from all SysBack backup processes (via an exclude list). You must use the TSM backup / archive client to back up these file systems instead. At restore time, SysBack may be used to rebuild the underlying filesystem structure for the HSM managed file system, but the actual file data and HSM stub file data should be restored via the TSM backup / archive client. ********************************************************************* Dump Devices ********************************************************************* In the code, we try to determine if there are any other dump devices in addition to hd6. The code looks for devices that have the string 'sysdump' in the logical volume name. This was the standard in AIX at one time. However, over the years, its been more accepted (for lack of a better term) to name them differently... and in AIX 5 they have even added a new "standard" called dumplv. So, what happened here was that the primary dump device was named something that did not have the 'sysdump' string in it's name. When the code tries to determine the dump devices, looking for 'sysdump', it thought there were none. So, it sets hd6 to the primary dump device because that has been a dump device standard for many years when no other LVs are defined this way. All of the actual dump devices are recreated since their LVM information is stored in the AIX ODM and captured by SysBack, but they were not set as primary and secondary correctly. The workaround is to manually defined which LV is the desired primary and secondary device using the sysdumpdev command after a system restore. We can't easily remove this code logic without potentially negative ramifications (ie: there are scenarios where you could end up with no dump devices defined as the primary after the restore). We are re-evaluating this design issue and the issue will be addressed in later releases. ********************************************************************* AIX chfs -a splitlvcopy Issue Affects Offline Mirror Backup ********************************************************************* Env: AIX 4.3 - 5.1 Not SysBack Dependant, but Affects the Offline Mirror Backup Feature presented at Problem: Getting a jfs_syscall: A system call received a parameter that is not valid. When running multiple "chfs -a splitcopy" commands in a row. Action Taken: Adding a 'sleep 20' command between each "chfs" command may keep the chfs from failing out. This solution can be problematic for customers with large numbers of filesystems as it can unncessarily add lengthy delays in the split process processing all of the sleep commands. Test Case outside of SysBack: Create a volume group and mirror this volume group then run the 'syncvg -v vgname' command. Have at least 4 filesystems within this volume group and run this series of actions / commands: Create a file called jfs.script Add this in the file chfs -a splitcopy=/sbom/"mountpt1" /"mountpt1" chfs -a splitcopy=/sbom/"mountpt2" /"mountpt2" chfs -a splitcopy=/sbom/"mountpt3" /"mountpt3" chfs -a splitcopy=/sbom/"mountpt4" /"mountpt4" chmod +x jfs.script ./jfs.script You will noticed a failure between some of the splitcopy operations like "jfs_syscall: A system call received a parameter that is not valid." Explanation from AIX Development: The source of the EINVAL (Invalid Argument) return code has been identified. As part of the mechanism of the chfs -a splitcopy command, the log logical volume (jfslog) for these filesystems is modified, and after this activity completes, the log (which is mirrored) must be synced. This sync is done in the background, and the chfs command returns on the command line without waiting for this sync to complete. This is why waiting for an additional period of time (actually dependent on the size of this logical volume) before executing the next chfs will resolve the problem. When a second chfs command is issued, the command attempts to do an ioctl to both the filesystem's logical volume and its log logical volume. The first ioctl succeeds, but the ioctl to the loglv fails because a sync operation is still in progress. The customer's "sleep 20" workaround is the most obvious way to work around the problem. However, there may be other solutions which would result in faster completion of the splitcopy operations. The customer should use at least 2 logs (or as many as required to alleviate the condition). Even using 2 logs instead of one would probably eliminate the problem in this case. For example, suppose the commands were issued in this order: chfs -a splitcopy=/back/fs0 /fs0 chfs -a splitcopy=/back/fs1 /fs1 chfs -a splitcopy=/back/fs2 /fs2 chfs -a splitcopy=/back/fs3 /fs3 If filesystems /fs0 and /fs2 use log loglv00, and /fs1 and /fs3 use loglv01, then the sync operation should have time to complete before the next chfs operation involving that log. NOTE: This condition has been accommodated via bos.rte.lvm and box.rte.lvm. for AIX 5.1 and 4.3 respectively. If you are at these levels, and set the new environment variable named: LVM_CHLVCOPY_FG_SYNC then the log sync will be done in the forground (rather than the background) eliminating the problem. SysBack and higher will automatically set this environment variable if the bos.rte.lvm fileset is at the appropriate level. If the bos.rte.lvm is below these levels, SysBack will automatically "sleep 10" between each filesystem split. If a longer sleep interval is required in your environment, add the -s "value in seconds" flag to the offline mirror backup command (/usr/sbin/sbom_backup). ********************************************************************* Veritas Filesystems ********************************************************************* SysBack does not support Veritas filesystems at this time. Support for this filesystem type is under review. ********************************************************************* Using SysBack with Firewalls ********************************************************************* SysBack currently opens the following ports: - port 1239 - port 1023 for standard out - port 1022 for standard error If ports 1023 and 1023 are not available, SysBack will decrement this number until is reaches a port not already in use but not a port number lesss than 512. If you would like to specify to SysBack which ports to use for communications, please refer to Chapter 8. Remote Services, in the Installation and User's Guide for detailed configuration information. ********************************************************************* AIX Does not Include Certain Requires Filesystem Helpers in Lower AIX 5.1 Levels ********************************************************************* Customers should update their bos.sysmgt.sysbr fileset to Otherwise, when booting from tape, CD, or DVD and attempt to make the root filesystems (/, /usr, /var,/ tmp) JFS2 type, you will receive the error that files from /sbin/helpers/jfs2 are missing. For example: /sbin/helpers/jfs2/mkfs or /sbin/helpers/jfs2/logform. This is because these files were not included in /usr/lpp/bosinst/tape/tapefile1 until of bos.sysmgt.sysbr and are required for this scenario. ********************************************************************* Problem with AIX geninstall Command that Affects SysBack ********************************************************************* The geninstall command was introduced in AIX 5.1 as a command that is now the default installation command. It will wrapper around several other install methods / commands that AIX 5.1 supports. It supports native AIX install via installp, RPM install, the Install Shield Method, and Solaris package installation via pkgadd, for example. There are several open defects against how this command checks and issues return codes under certain conditions. This namely affects SysBack's ability to detect what type of media is in a specified CD-RW, CD-ROM, or DVD drive. At the time of this README, AIX defect #335789 covers these various issues. In the mean time, this simply means that you will be respons- ible to insert the correct media type (SysBack backup vs AIX install media) when prompted. SysBack can not perform the checks needed to validate that you inserted the correct media and issue a message. SysBack will assume that the media inserted is correct and proceed. ********************************************************************* Configuring Remote Services in an NIS Environment ********************************************************************* When working in an NIS environment, you should always configure Remote Services (which creates the user sbnet) on the NIS Master before Configuring it on any NIS Slaves. This is because the Master could propagate the updated password files to the Slaves in such an order as to nullify the creation of the sbnet user on the Slave after Remote Services completed. This could be an inconvenience to figure out when the remote backups from the client fail. The correct order to configure Remote Services are: - Run cfgremsvcs on NIS Master - Run cfgremsvcs on any NIS Slaves - Configure SysBack Service to Allow SysBack Client Access - Configure SysBack Clients to Point to Desired SysBack Server ********************************************************************* Using the -l Flag Always Overrides Other Flags for sbcron & cfgremrootaccess Commands ********************************************************************* If you combine the -l flag, to list, with other flags, the list option will prevail. For example: sbcron -l -r (-l to list and -r to remove) the -l command will take precedence and -r will be ignored. ====================================================================== $DOC: Documentation Updates ---------------------- 5.6.1 Please refer to the DOC APARs in the $FIX section of this document. All changed areas of the Installation and User's Guide is marked with revision bars for easier identification. The Installation and User's Guide may be found here: and here: The following items were outstanding, and not included in the User's Guide, at the time of the this release. ********************************************************************* NOTE ABOUT CONFIGURING A NO PROMPT INSTALL FOR TAPE, CD, AND DVD BOOT ********************************************************************* Please be aware that you must configure the "Tape Boot Defaults" or "CD / DVD Boot Defaults" prior to initiating a backup. Many customers use the "Boot Defaults" to configure "No Prompt" installations. When the boot defaults are configured, the information is stored into a control file in rootvg. During a full system backup, SysBack captures that file to be used during the boot process. If this file is not present at the time of the backup, the defaults that were configured will not be used at boot time. If you have previously created a backup image without pre-configuring the boot defaults, you may create "boot only" media that contains them. You could not perform a "No Prompt" installation in this manner. However, you could set any of the other boot defaults. This process would be: 1) Configure the boot defaults 2) Create boot only media: tape, CD, DVD 3) Boot the system from the boot only media 4) Exchange the boot media with the backup media 5) Begin the install You do not have to configure "Network Install Defaults" before a backup image is created. The network install default information is stored in a file that is located in the filesystem that the product mounts to aid in a network boot. Therefore, the network install defaults may be configured at any time prior to initiating the network boot process. ********************************************************************* Example Backup Script pathname is Misleading ********************************************************************* On Page 7-3 in the Chapter Backup Schedules and Scripts, the example says: "The following file is an example of a backup script generated using the options specified above". In the sample options specified, no pathname was provided. Therefore, the script would have been created in it's default path. Therefore, the pathname should have been /usr/lpp/sysback/sbscripts rather than /usr/lpp/sysback/scripts. ********************************************************************* chinstclient Command Description of Flags Does Not Include -N "y|n" ********************************************************************* The "Flags" section of the command description should include the following for the -N "y|n" flag: -N "y|n" Indicates whether or not to remove network specific information required to configure the host to the network. This option is useful when the machine installed was cloned from a backup image of a machine that is still present on the network. The default is "n" or no. ********************************************************************* chinstclient Command Flag Description for -R "y|n" is Incorrect ********************************************************************* In the "Flags" section of the command description, the description of the -R flag is incorrect. It should read as follows: -R "y|n" Indicates whether or not to remove the SysBack program from the system after installation. Choose "y" for yes when you have not purchased a license for the client that will be installed. The default is "n" or no. ********************************************************************* Incorrect Syntax Diagram for mkdirback Command ********************************************************************* The -I "unique id" (capital letter i) is not included in the syntax diagram. This flag is available on this command and a description of the flag is present in the "Flags" section of the command description. ********************************************************************* Incorrect Syntax Diagram for mkjfsback Command ********************************************************************* The -I "unique id" (capital letter i) is not included in the syntax diagram. This flag is available on this command and a description of the flag is present in the "Flags" section of the command description. ********************************************************************* Incorrect Syntax Diagram for mklvback Command ********************************************************************* The -I "unique id" (capital letter i) is not included in the syntax diagram. This flag is available on this command and a description of the flag is present in the "Flags" section of the command description. ********************************************************************* Incorrect Syntax Diagram for mkvgback Command ********************************************************************* The -I "unique id" (capital letter i) is not included in the syntax diagram. This flag is available on this command and a description of the flag is present in the "Flags" section of the command description. ********************************************************************* Incorrect Syntax Diagram for sbcron Command ********************************************************************* To remove a SysBack schedule via the sbcron command, the correct syntax is: sbcron -r -I For example: sbcron -r -I SB1 To determine the ID number of the schedule to be deleted, use the command: sbcron -l ====================================================================== $INFO: How to Obtain Assistance / Information ---------------------- ******************************* Sales and marketing information ******************************* For questions related to purchasing IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery - SysBack, please consult your IBM Passport Advantage Reseller. A list of Resellers can be found at: In the United States you may also contact IBM Direct at 1-800-426-2255 ***************************** Getting the latest code fixes ***************************** The latest System Backup and Recovery fixes are available for download from: or ******************** Technical assistance ******************** For support for this or any Tivoli product, you can contact Tivoli Customer Support in one of the following ways: Visit the Storage Manager technical support Web site at: Visit the SysBack technical support web site at: Submit a problem management record (PMR) electronically at IBMSERV/IBMLINK. You can access IBMLINK at: Submit a problem management record (PMR) electronically at Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-IBM-SERV. International customers should consult the Web site for customer support telephone numbers. You can also review the IBM Software Support Guide which is available on our Web site at: ======================================================================